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CONFERENCE 9462 · LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 321Thursday 23 April 2015 • Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9462Passive and Active Millimeter-WaveImaging XVIIIConference Chairs: David A. Wikner, U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA); Arttu R. Luukanen, Asqella Corp. (Finland)Program Committee: Roger Appleby, Queen’s Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom); Erich N. Grossman, National Institute of Standards andTechnology (USA); Christopher A. Martin, Trex Enterprises Corp. (USA); Duncan A. Robertson, Univ. of St. Andrews (United Kingdom);Bruce Wallace, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (USA)THURSDAY 23 APRILSESSION 1LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 321 ..........THU 8:20 AM TO 10:00 AMSystems I8:20 am: Optical and imaging performance testing for an improved realtime passive millimetre-wave imager to be used in degraded visualenvironments, Colin D. Cameron, Rupert N. Anderton, Gordon N. Sinclair,James G. Burnett, Philip J. Kent, QinetiQ Ltd. (United Kingdom) .......[9462-2]8:40 am: Design and operation of ACTPol: a millimeter wavelength,polarization sensitive receiver for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope,Benjamin L. Schmitt, Univ. of Pennsylvania (USA); ACTPol Collaboration,Princeton Univ. (USA) ........................................[9462-3]9:00 am: Concealed object stand-off real-time imaging for security:CONSORTIS, Roger Appleby, InnovaSec Ltd. (United Kingdom); StuartFerguson, Queen’s Univ. Belfast (United Kingdom); Henrik Petersson, SwedishDefence Research Agency (Sweden) ............................[9462-4]9:20 am: Toward a real time stand-off submillimeter-wave imaging systemwith large field of view: quasi-optical system design considerations, ErioGandini, Nuria Llombart, Technische Univ. Delft (Netherlands) ........[9462-5]9:40 am: Noise analysis for near-field 3D FM-CW radar imaging systems,David M. Sheen, Pacific Northwest National Lab. (USA) .............[9462-6]Coffee Break ................................ Thu 10:00 am to 10:30 amSESSION 2LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 321 ..........THU 10:30 AM TO 11:50 AMSystems II10:30 am: Millimeter-wave imaging at up to 40 frames per second usingan optoelectronic photo-injected Fresnel zone plate lens antenna at(sub-) mmw frequencies, Thomas F. Gallacher, Aalto Univ. School of Scienceand Technology (Finland); David G. Macfarlane, Univ. of St. Andrews (UnitedKingdom); Rune Søndenå, Institute for Energy Technology (Norway); Duncan A.Robertson, Graham M. Smith, Univ. of St. Andrews (United Kingdom) . . [9462-7]10:50 am: Characteristics and performance of a commercial multibandpassive submillimetre-wave video camera, Arttu R. Luukanen, Asqella Oy(Finland); Juha Ala-Laurinaho, Aalto Univ. School of Electrical Engineering(Finland); Alex Kokka, Mikko M. Leivo, Asqella Oy (Finland); Aleksi A. Tamminen,Aalto Univ. School of Electrical Engineering (Finland); Antti V. Räisänen, AaltoUniv. School of Science and Technology (Finland)..................[9462-8]11:10 am: Video rate passive millimeter-wave imager utilizing opticalupconversion with improved size, weight, and power, Richard D. Martin,Christopher A. Schuetz, Thomas E. Dillon, Daniel G. Mackrides, Phase SensitiveInnovations, Inc. (USA); Dennis W. Prather, Shouyuan Shi, Univ. of Delaware(USA); Peng Yao, Phase Sensitive Innovations, Inc. (USA); Kevin Shreve, Univ.of Delaware (USA) ...........................................[9462-9]11:30 am: Optical-network-connected multi-channel 96-GHz-banddistributed radar system, Atsushi Kanno, Toshiaki Kuri, Tetsuya Kawanishi,National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(Japan)...................................................[9462-10]Lunch Break ................................. Thu 11:50 am to 1:20 pmSESSION 3LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 321 ............THU 1:20 PM TO 2:00 PMSystems III1:20 pm: Some opinion about matrix terahertz imaging system basedon Josephson junctions, Alexander Denisov, Jing Hui Qiu, Shengchang Lan,Harbin Institute of Technology (China); Alexander Gudkov, State ScientificResearch Institute of Physical Problems (Russian Federation) ........[9462-11]1:40 pm: Multiplexable sub-mm detector arrays for radiometric imaging,Juha Hassel, Andrey V. Timofeev, Visa Vesterinen, Hannu Sipola, Panu Helistö,Leif Grönberg, VTT Technical Research Ctr. of Finland (Finland); Arttu R.Luukanen, Asqella Oy (Finland) ................................[9462-12]SESSION 4LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 321 ...........THU 2:00 PM TO 4:30 PMPhenomenology2:00 pm: Toward the development of an image quality tool for the testingof active millimeter-wave imaging systems, Jeffrey Barber, James C.Weatherall, Joseph Greca, Battelle Memorial Institute (USA); Barry T. Smith,U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security (USA) .........................[9462-13]2:20 pm: Simulations and image validation for 350 GHz passive imagingsystems, Daniel T. Becker, National Institute of Standards and Technology(USA); Peter A. R. Ade, Cardiff Univ. (United Kingdom); James A. Beall, NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (USA); Hsiao-Mei Cho, Stanford Univ.(USA); Simon R. Dicker, Univ. of Pennsylvania (USA); William D. Duncan,National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA); Mark Halpern, The Univ.of British Columbia (Canada); Gene C. Hilton, National Institute of Standardsand Technology (USA); Kent D. Irwin, Stanford Univ. (USA); Nicholas G. PaulterJr., Robert E. Schwall, Carl D. Reintsema, National Institute of Standards andTechnology (USA); Carole E. Tucker, Cardiff Univ. (United Kingdom) . . [9462-14]2:40 pm: Spectral signatures for identifying explosives with wide-bandmillimeter-wave illumination, James C. Weatherall, Jeffrey Barber, BattelleMemorial Institute (USA); Barry T. Smith, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security(USA) ....................................................[9462-15]Coffee Break ..................................Thu 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm3:30 pm: Summary and analysis of 216 GHz polarimetric measurements ofin-situ rain, Abigail S. Hedden, David A. Wikner, Russell Bradley, U.S. ArmyResearch Lab. (USA) ........................................[9462-16]3:50 pm: Electromagnetic scattering from metallic and dielectric surfacesat millimeter-wave and terahertz frequencies, David A. DiGiovanni,Andrew J. Gatesman, Robert H. Giles, Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell (USA);Williams E. Nixon, National Ground Intelligence Ctr. (USA) ..........[9462-17]4:10 pm: Beyond the Kirchoff approximation: quantitative studies ofsubmillimeter rough surface scattering, Erich N. Grossman, Richard A.Chamberlin, Josh Gordon, Natalie Mujica-Schwahn, National Institute ofStandards and Technology (USA) ..............................[9462-18]DEFENSE + SECURITY+1 360 676 3290 · help@spie.org · (Twitter) #DSS 69

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