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CONFERENCE 9484 · LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 330Wednesday–Friday 22–24 April 2015 • Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9484Compressive Sensing IVConference Chair: Fauzia Ahmad, Villanova Univ. (USA)Program Committee: Moeness G. Amin, Villanova Univ. (USA); Gonzalo R. Arce, Univ. of Delaware (USA); Abdesselam Salim Bouzerdoum,Univ. of Wollongong (Australia); Michael J. DeWeert, BAE Systems (USA); Matthew A. Herman, InView Technology Corp. (USA);Eric L. Mokole, U.S. Naval Research Lab. (USA); Ram M. Narayanan, The Pennsylvania State Univ. (USA); Dimitris A. Pados, Univ.at Buffalo (USA); Athina P. Petropulu, Rutgers, The State Univ. of New Jersey (USA); Zhijun G. Qiao, The Univ. of Texas-Pan American (USA);Ervin Sejdic, Univ. of Pittsburgh (USA); Lei (Leslie) Ying, Univ. at Buffalo (USA)WEDNESDAY 22 APRILSESSION 1LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 330 ...........WED 3:30 PM TO 4:50 PMCompressive Sensing for RadarSession Chair: Ram M. Narayanan, The Pennsylvania State Univ. (USA)3:30 pm: Compressive sensing imaging for general SAR echo model basedon Maxwell’s equations, Bing Sun, Shuxia Li, Yufeng Cao, Zhijun G. Qiao, TheUniv. of Texas-Pan American (USA) .............................[9484-1]3:50 pm: Sparsity-based moving target localization using multiple dualfrequencyradars, Khodour AlKadry, Fauzia Ahmad, Moeness G. Amin,Villanova Univ. (USA).........................................[9484-2]4:10 pm: Cross-term free based bistatic radar system using sparse leastsquares, Rasim A. Sevimli, Ahmet E. Cetin, Bilkent Univ. (Turkey) .....[9484-3]4:30 pm: Multi-view TWRI scene reconstruction using a joint Bayesiansparse approximation model, Van Ha Tang, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum, SonLam Phung, Fok Hing Chi Tivive, Univ. of Wollongong (Australia) ......[9484-4]THURSDAY 23 APRILSESSION 2LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 330 ..........THU 9:00 AM TO 10:20 AMCompressive Sensing for Spectral ImagingSession Chair: Gonzalo R. Arce, Univ. of Delaware (USA)9:00 am: Point-spread functions for coded aperture imaging with separabledoubly-Toeplitz masks, Michael J. DeWeert, BAE Systems (USA) ....[9484-5]9:20 am: Computational imaging in a multiplexed imager with staticmultispectral encoding, Johann Veras, Robert R. Muise, Kevin Hines, AbhijitMahalanobis, Lockheed Martin Corp. (USA); Mark A. Neifeld, The Univ. ofArizona (USA) ..............................................[9484-6]9:40 am: Compressive and classical hyperspectral systems: a fundamentalcomparison, Adi Shay, Isaac Y. August, Adrian Stern, Ben-Gurion Univ. of theNegev (Israel)...............................................[9484-7]10:00 am: Compressive spectral polarization imaging with codedmicropolarizer array, Chen Fu, Univ. of Delaware (USA); Henry Arguello, Univ.Industrial de Santander (Colombia); Gonzalo R. Arce, Univ. of Delaware (USA);Brian M. Sadler, U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA) ...................[9484-8]Coffee Break ................................ Thu 10:20 am to 10:50 amSESSION 3LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 330 ..........THU 10:50 AM TO 12:10 PMCS for Optical Imaging, Motion Imagery,and Video ISession Chair: Michael J. DeWeert, BAE Systems (USA)10:50 am: Recent results in single-pixel compressive imaging usingselective measurement strategies (Invited Paper), Matthew A. Herman, InViewTechnology Corp. (USA) ......................................[9484-9]11:30 am: L1-PCA video surveillance, Ying Liu, Dimitris A. Pados, Univ. atBuffalo (USA) ..............................................[9484-10]11:50 am: Gradient-based compressive sensing for noise videoreconstruction, Huihuang Zhao, Hengyang Normal Univ. (China);Shuxia Li, John Montalbo, Zhijun G. Qiao, The Univ. of Texas-Pan American(USA) ....................................................[9484-11]Lunch Break and Exhibition Time .................Thu 12:10 pm to 1:40 pmSESSION 4LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 330 ............THU 1:40 PM TO 3:20 PMCS Signal ProcessingSession Chair: Ervin Sejdic, Univ. of Pittsburgh (USA)1:40 pm: Compressive sensing cryptographic analysis, Ponciano J.Escamilla-Ambrosio, Moises Salinas Rosales, Eleazar Aguirre-Anaya, Ctr. deInvestigación en Computación (Mexico) .........................[9484-12]2:00 pm: Sparsity-based DOA estimation of coherent and uncorrelatedsources using transmit/receive co-prime arrays, Elie BouDaher, FauziaAhmad, Moeness G. Amin, Villanova Univ. (USA)..................[9484-13]2:20 pm: See-through obscurants via compressive sensing indegraded visual environment, Richard C. Lau, Ted K. Woodward, AppliedCommunication Sciences (USA) ...............................[9484-14]2:40 pm: An analysis of spectral transformation techniques on graphs, IgorDjurovic, Univ. of Montenegro (Montenegro); Ervin Sejdic, Univ. of Pittsburgh(USA); Nikola Bulatovic, Marko Simeunovic, Univ. of Montenegro(Montenegro) ..............................................[9484-15]3:00 pm: Time-frequency signature sparse reconstruction using chirpdictionary, Yen T. H. Nguyen, Univ. of Leeds (United Kingdom) and VillanovaUniv. (USA); Moeness G. Amin, Villanova Univ. (USA); Mounir Ghogho, Univ.of Leeds (United Kingdom) and Univ. Internationale de Rabat (Morocco); DesMcLernon, Univ. of Leeds (United Kingdom) .....................[9484-16]Coffee Break ..................................Thu 3:20 pm to 3:50 pmSENSING TECHNOLOGY + APPLICATIONS+1 360 676 3290 · help@spie.org · (Twitter) #DSS 125

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