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INDEX OF AUTHORS, CHAIRS, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSBold = SPIE MemberMelo, Luis B. [9480-12] S4Melzer, Jim E. 9470 ConferenceChair, 9470 S10Session Chair, [9470-25]S9, SC159Mencaglia, Andrea Azelio[9486-14] S4, [9488-5] S1Mendat, Daniel R, [9461-79]S14Mendez, Alexis 9480 ProgramCommitteeMendioroz, Arantza [9485-14] S3Mendoza, Edgar 9486 ProgramCommitteeMendoza-Schrock, Olga9464 Program Committee,9464 S7 SessionChair, 9464 S9 SessionChair, [9464-17] S5,[9464-34] S9, [9474-48]S9Meneses Fonseca, JaimeEnrique [9495-52] SPTueMeng, Qinglei [9487-28] S6,[9487-29] S6Meng, Weina [9491-10] S3Menozzi, Alberico [9470-2]S1, [9470-2] S12Mensi, Bryan L. [9459-20] S5Meola, Joseph [9472-21] S5Mercovich, Ryan A. [9472-50] S11Merhav, Tomer [9492-22] S7Merken, Patrick J. [9451-2]S1, [9451-50] S12Merriam, Ezekiel G. [9467-47] S8Merrill, True [9500-27] S5Merritt, Charles D. [9482-9]S1Merritt, Scott [9465-39] S8MERT, SEVDA [9487-17] S4Mert, Yakup Murat [9501-44]S8, [9501-5] S1Mertz, Christoph [9468-7] S2Meshorer, Roman [9451-48]S11Messaris, Evangelos [9461-44] S10Messerly, Michael J. [9466-11] S3Messinger, David W. 9472Program Committee,9472 S5 Session Chair,[9472-23] S5, [9472-36]S7, [9473-1] S1Metcalf, Jeremy P. [9465-22]S5, [9465-23] S5Metzger, Robert [9467-22]S4Meyer Bäse, Uwe 9496Program Committee,[9496-23] SPThu, [9496-24] SPThuMeyer, Jan [9480-33] S8Meyer, Jerry R. [9466-16]S4, [9482-9] S1Meyer-Baese, Anke 9496Program Committee,[9496-2] S1, [9496-24]SPThu, [9496-4] S1,[9496-6] S2, [9496-7] S2Miari, Luca [9492-4] S1Michalet, Xavier [9492-4] S1Michelini, Elisa [9482-26] S3Middleton, Elizabeth M.[9482-45] S9Mielikainen, Jarno 9501 ProgramCommittee, [9501-13] S3, [9501-33] S7Miethe, Peter [9490-16] S3Migdall, Alan L. 9492Program Committee,9492 S8 Session Chair,[9492-30] S8Mignani, Anna Grazia 9486Program Committee,9486 S4 Session Chair,[9486-14] S4, [9488-5] S1Mihailov, Stephen J. 9480Program CommitteeMikelsons, Karlis [9459-27]S6, [9459-31] S7Mikheev, Andrey [9467-104]SPThuMikulec, Martin [9456-27] S7,[9478-19] SPSTue, [9496-22] SPThu, [9497-12] S2Mikulski, Dariusz G. [9468-20] S5Miles, Christopher [9457-7]S3Miller, Brian W. [9453-18] S4Miller, John [9475-13] S2Miller, John Lester 9451Program Committee, 9451S8 Session ChairMiller, Jonathan S. [9454-11]S3, [9454-12] S3, [9454-13] S3Miller, Michael A. [9454-6]S2, [9455-39] S8, [9490-24] SPTueMiller, Ruth [9491-5] S2Miller, Warner A. [9500-54]S8Miller, William K. [9480-5] S2Mills, Robert F. [9458-6] S2,[9458-6] S6Milne, Craig [9491-13] S4Milton, A. Fenner 9451Program CommitteeMilton, Anthony [9476-2] S1Min, Hyun-Jung [9488-21] S4Min, Jouha [9480-44] S1Minamide, Hiroaki [9483-20]S7Minardi, Michael J. 9475Program CommitteeMing, Xia [9451-91] SPTueMingareev, Helene [9466-14]S4Minnehan, Breton L. [9460-13] S4Minor, Christian P. [9455-20]S4, [9498-2] S1Mirasoli, Mara [9482-26] S3Mirin, Richard P. [9492-9] S4Mirov, Mike B. [9467-92] S18Mirov, Sergey B. [9467-92]S18Miscovich, Adrian [9470-40] S8Miseo, Ellen V. 9482 ProgramCommittee, 9482 S6Session Chair, 9482 S7Session ChairMisra, Archan [9464-2] S1Mitra, Chayan [9491-11] S4Mitra, Pradip [9492-28] S8Mittal, Sunil [9486-9] S3Miura, Masato [9495-17] S5Miyazaki, Daisuke [9495-7]S2Miyazaki, Jin [9495-42]SPTueMiyoshi, Masaru [9483-26]S8Miziolek, Andrzej W. [9482-17] S2, [9482-42] S6Mizrahi, Udi [9451-48] S11Mizuno, Genki [9481-4] S1,[9493-13] S3Mo, Changyeun [9488-35]SPTue, [9488-36] SPTueMo, Weirong [9472-5] S1Moche, Christian [9455-14]S3, [9490-14] S3Modarres-Zadeh, MohammadJ. [9467-110] SPThuMoeglin, Jean-Pierre [9494-21] S2Moffat, James [9492-17] S5Moghadam, Peyman [9485-55] S10Mohammad, Atif F. [9468-24]SPThu, [9469-24] S6,[9474-54] SPSTue, [9490-27] SPTue, [9498-8] S3Mohan, Divya [9478-3] S1Mokarian-Tabari, Parvaneh9467 Program CommitteeMokhtar, Ayman [9466-32]SPSTueMokhtari, Marielle [9499-15] S4Mokhun, Oleksiy [9465-9]S2, [9466-8] S2Mokole, Eric L. 9484 ProgramCommittee, 9484 S7Session ChairMolebny, Vasyl 9465 ProgramCommitteeMolenkamp, Laurens W.[9483-24] S7Molineaux, Matthew [9454-3] S1Mollard, Laurent [9451-77]S17Molnar, Richard J. [9492-7]S3Monaco, John V. [9457-3] S1Mondanos, Michael [9491-13] S4Monnier, Camille S. 9468Program Committee,9468 S1 Session ChairMonroe, Christopher [9500-16] S3Monroe, Jeff [9479-18] S4,[9479-18] S5Monroe, John [9493-15] S3Montalbo, John [9484-11]S3Monte, Thomas D. 9480Program CommitteeMontmessin, Franck [9469-4] S1Montojo, María T. [9485-39]S7, [9485-51] S9Montoya, John A. [9467-81]S16Moody, Daniela I. [9494-25]S3, 9501 Program Committee,9501 S7 SessionChair, [9501-11] S3Moon, Inkyu [9495-33]SPTue, [9495-34] SPTueMooradian, Greg [9459-1]S1, [9459-2] S1, [9459-5]S1, [9459-6] S1Moore, Andrew J. [9469-5]S1, [9477-14] S4Moore, Christopher I. 9465Program Committee,9465 S8 Session Chair,[9465-36] S8, [9465-37]S8Moore, Kori [9455-18] S4Moore, Philip G. [9454-3] S1Morabito, Francesco Carlo9496 Program CommitteeMorales-Rodríguez, MarissaE. [9456-1] S1Moras, Julien [9464-21] S7,[9474-26] S6Mordmüller, Mario [9482-12]S2Moreau, Louis M. [9472-47] S9Moreau, Vincent [9451-77]S17Moreshead, William V. [9451-56] S13Morey, Mark [9461-66] S13Morgan, David A. E. [9475-16] S2Morgan, John Cliff [9482-46]S7Morgan, Kaitlyn [9459-4]S1Morikawa, Junko 9485 S6Session Chair, [9485-35] S6Morimoto, Takao [9483-26]S8Morman, Christopher J.[9472-21] S5Morton, Edward J. [9456-3]S1Morton, Graham [9466-28]S7Morton, Kenneth D. [9454-14] S4, [9454-17] S5,[9454-31] S9, [9454-42]S11, [9454-46] S11, [9454-47] S12, [9454-48] S12Moses, Randolph L. 9475Program Committee, 9476Program CommitteeMoses, Sophia [9496-1] S1,[9496-3] S1Moshary, Fred [9474-55] S9,[9486-18] S5Moshtagh, Nima [9474-4] S1Moskalev, Igor S. [9467-92]S18Moskovich, Daniel [9500-38]S6Mosquera, Cristian [9454-38] S10Motos, Dionysis [9474-24] S5Mott, David [9499-18] S4Mott, David R. [9455-32] S6Motus, Leo [9464-23] S7Moufarrej, Mira [9482-24] S3Moug, Richard [9481-27]SPThuMoulema, Paul [9458-7] S3Moulton, Christine L. [9479-11] S2Moulton, Peter F. [9466-20]S5Mount, Emily [9500-20] S3Moussally, George J. 9461Program CommitteeMouyos, William [9454-2] S1Mowbray, Andrew [9451-30]S8, [9451-31] S8, [9451-95] SPTueMower, Jacob C. [9500-1] S1Moya, Mary M. [9461-14] S3Moyer, Lee [9471-8] S2Moyer, Steven K. [9452-22]S4, [9452-26] S5, [9452-7]S1MtCastle, Timothy [9470-10]S4Mudanyali, Onur [9490-10]S2Mueller, Markus [9460-21] S7Mueller, Thomas [9467-38]S7Muellner, Paul [9490-12] S2Muench, Paul L. 9468 ProgramCommitteeMuensterer, Thomas R. 9471Program Committee, 9471S4 Session Chair, 9471 S5Session Chair, [9471-10]S2, [9471-14] S3, [9471-19]S4, [9471-9] S2Mühleisen, Wolfgang [9483-31] SPThuMuise, Robert R. [9472-9] S2, 9476 ProgramCommittee, [9477-3] S1,[9484-6] S2Mujica-Schwahn, Natalie[9462-18] S4Mukherjee, Satabdi [9476-12] S3Mulaveesala, Ravibabu[9485-18] S3, [9485-32]S5, [9485-36] S6Mullen, Linda J. 9459 ProgramCommittee, 9459 S3Session Chair, [9459-12]S3, [9459-13] S3Mullen, Max [9491-18] SPThuMüller, André [9488-16] S3Müller, Antoine [9467-101]S21, [9467-101] S8Müller, Eric [9489-2] S1Müller, Thomas [9460-17] S5Mullie, Jeroen C. [9451-66]S16Mumolo, Jason M. [9451-26]S8Mun, Sungchul [9495-8] S3Muncaster, Justin [9473-22] S4Munch, Elizabeth [9474-22]S5Munday, Jeremy N. [9467-109] SPThu, [9489-17] S5,[9493-12] S3, [9493-20]SPTue, [9493-21] SPTue,[9493-24] SPTueMuniyappa, Amarnath[9485-18] S3, [9485-32]S5, [9485-36] S6Munson, Eric [9476-24] S6Münzberg, Mario O. 9451Program Committee,9451 S1 Session Chair,[9451-1] S1Murali, Varun [9468-3] S1Muralidharan, Krishna [9453-25] S5184 SPIE DSS 2015 · www.spie.org/dss

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