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CONFERENCE 9482LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 337WEDNESDAY 22 APRILSESSION 6LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 337 ..........WED 8:00 AM TO 9:00 AMChemometrics & Hyperspectral ImagingSession Chair: Ellen V. Miseo, Hamamatsu Corp. (USA)8:00 am: Fluorescent marker-based and marker-free discriminationbetween healthy and cancerous human tissues using hyper-spectralimaging, Thomas Arnold, Martin De Biasio, Raimund Leitner, Carinthian TechResearch AG (Austria) .......................................[9482-40]8:20 am: Spectral data analysis approaches for improved provenanceclassification, Andrzej W. Miziolek, U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA); Kellen J.Sorauf, Regis Univ. (USA); Amy J. R. Bauer, TSI Inc. (USA); Fank C. De Lucia Jr.,U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA) ...............................[9482-42]8:40 am: Filter selection criteria for the discrimination of stronglyoverlapping chemical spectra, Kevin J. Major, Menelaos K. Poutous, KevinF. Dunnill, The Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA); Kenneth J. Ewing,Jasbinder S. Sanghera, U.S. Naval Research Lab. (USA); Ishwar D. Aggarwal,The Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA)....................[9482-43]SESSION 7LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 337 .........WED 9:00 AM TO 10:00 AMHyperspectral Imaging IISession Chair: Ellen V. Miseo, Hamamatsu Corp. (USA)9:00 am: Compact hyperspectral image sensor based on a novelhyperspectral encoder, Alex Hegyi, Joerg Martini, PARC, a Xerox Co.(USA) ....................................................[9482-44]9:20 am: Low SWaP multispectral sensors using dichroic filter arrays,Todd Jennings, John D. Dougherty, Pixelteq, Inc. (USA) ............[9482-47]9:40 am: Characterization of AOTF based Spectropolarimetric Imagersfrom 400 to 1700 nm, Neelam Gupta, U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA); JohnC. Morgan, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Ctr. (USA); DennisSuhre, DRS Scientific Inc. (USA) ...............................[9482-46]DEDICATED EXHIBITION TIME AND LUNCH BREAKLOCATION: CONV. CTR. EXHIBITION HALL ..... 10:00 AM TO 1:00 PMEnjoy Wednesday morning coffee break with a complimentary continentalbreakfast while walking the exhibition floor and connecting with reps fromthe largest prime contractors, key suppliers, and dynamic startups. Meet withvendors showcasing their newest products and cutting-edge technologies inoptics, photonics, sensing, and imaging. Various food outlets are also locatedin the DSS Expo Hall and will be open for lunch during Exhibition Hours.SESSION 8LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 337 ...........WED 1:00 PM TO 2:40 PMHyperspectral Imaging IIISession Chair: David P. Bannon, Headwall Photonics Inc. (USA)1:00 pm: Inverse analysis of triarylamine-dye transmission spectra,Daniel Aiken, Scott A. Ramsey, Troy Mayo, Jim Bellemare, Samuel G.Lambrakos, Joseph E. Peak, U.S. Naval Research Lab. (USA) .......[9482-48]1:20 pm: Weighted Chebyshev distance classification method forhyperspectral imaging, Suleyman Demirci, Turkish Air Force Academy(Turkey); Iþýn Erer, Istanbul Technical Univ. (Turkey); Okan K. Ersoy, PurdueUniv. (USA) ...............................................[9482-49]1:40 pm: Optical system design of a Dyson imaging spectrometer based onFery prism, Linlin Pei, Academy of Opto-Electronics (China) ........[9482-50]2:00 pm: errors in imaging of computational imaging spectrometer causedby sampling, Jianwei Wang, Academy of Opto-Electronics (China) ...[9482-51]2:20 pm: Turbine jet exhaust as proxy for detection of wake vortices, TaumiDaniels, NASA Langley Research Ctr (USA) ......................[9482-53]SESSION 9LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 337 ...........WED 2:40 PM TO 4:50 PMHyperspectral Imaging IVSession Chair: David P. Bannon, Headwall Photonics Inc. (USA)2:40 pm: Hyperspectral imaging of foods for commercial application,Seung-Chul Yoon, Kurt C. Lawrence, Bosoon Park, Agricultural ResearchService (USA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [9482-57]3:00 pm: NASA Goddard’s LiDAR, Hyperspectral, and Thermal airborneimager (G-LiHT), Lawrence A. Corp, Bruce D. Cook, Elizabeth M. Middleton,NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (USA) .........................[9482-45]Coffee Break ..................................Wed 3:20 pm to 3:50 pm3:50 pm: Miniaturization of high-spectral-spatial-resolution hyperspectralimagers on unmanned aerial systems, Sam Hill, Headwall Photonics Inc.(USA) ....................................................[9482-58]4:10 pm: Shadow removal from VNIR hyperspectral remote sensingimagery with end-member signature analysis, Fatih Omruuzun, Didem OzisikBaskurt, Hazan Daglayan, Yasemin Yardimci Cetin, Middle East Technical Univ.(Turkey) ..................................................[9482-55]4:30 pm: Drill core imaging spectrometer record compiling system, TaixiaWu, Lifu Zhang, Hongming Zhang, Qingxi Tong, Institute of Remote Sensingand Digital Earth (China) .....................................[9482-52]Hyperspectral Imaging Standards Workshop4:30 to 6:00 pm · Location: Conv. Ctr. Room 346Open to all attendees.Workshop Chair: David Allen, National Institute of Standards andTechnology (USA)Panel Moderator: Karen Reczek, National Institute of Standardsand Technology (USA)Panel Members: Ronald Resmini, MITRE Corporation (USA);Oliver Weatherbee, SpecTIR LLC (USA); Terry Slonecker,USGS (USA); Karen Reczek, National Institute of Standards andTechnology (USA)PURPOSE: Hyperspectral imaging as a field is in the process of maturingfrom a specialized tool to a routine method applied to many facets of society.Standards provide common reference points that foster an understandingbetween different entities. This meeting is intended to survey the range ofstandards currently available and to identify gaps where new standardsare needed. The range of standards open for discussion encompass allaspects related to hyperspectral imaging and may include performancespecifications, calibration standards, data formats, terminology, and bestpractices. This workshop will provide an open forum for metrology laboratories,instrument vendors, data product analysts, data product vendors,and end-users. The outcome of this meeting will provide guidance for futureactivities including an expanded workshop to address areas determinedto be significant bottlenecks restricting the full potential of this field. Thismeeting is open to all DSS registered attendees.GOALS:• Provide a forum for the hyperspectral imaging community to discusscurrent and needed standards• Identifying international standards organizations that are the mostlogical homes for new standards• Address the need for standards to address regulatory requirements• Discuss the possibility of a uniform set of performance metrics• Discuss the need for traceability to national standards• Consider formalizing best practices122 SPIE DSS 2015 · www.spie.org/dss

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