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DSS PLENARY PRESENTATION .. MON 5:00 PM TO 6:00 PMLOCATION: CONV. CTR. BALLROOM 1, LEVEL 4Emerging Research and Engineering Capabilitiesfor NextGen WarfightersALAN R. SHAFFERPrincipal Deputy Assistant Secretary ofDefense Research and EngineeringDepartment of DefenseSee details page 9TUESDAY 21 APRILSESSION 5LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 327 ...........TUE 8:00 AM TO 11:10 AMSpace Situational AwarenessSession Chairs: Erik Blasch, Air Force Research Lab. (USA);Dan Shen, Intelligent Fusion Technology, Inc. (USA)8:00 am: Review of game theory applications for situation awareness,Erik Blasch, Air Force Research Lab. (USA); Dan Shen, Intelligent FusionTechnology, Inc. (USA); Khanh Pham, Air Force Research Lab. (USA); GensheChen, Intelligent Fusion Technology, Inc. (USA) ...................[9469-17]8:20 am: Pursuit-evasion games with information uncertainties for elusiveorbital maneuver and space object tracking, Dan Shen, Bin Jia, GensheChen, Intelligent Fusion Technology, Inc. (USA); Erik Blasch, Khanh Pham, AirForce Research Lab. (USA)...................................[9469-18]8:40 am: Distributed sensor management for space situational awarenessvia a negotiation game, Bin Jia, Dan Shen, Intelligent Fusion Technology, Inc.(USA); Khanh Pham, Erik Blasch, Air Force Research Lab. (USA); Genshe Chen,Intelligent Fusion Technology, Inc. (USA) ........................[9469-19]9:00 am: Size distribution for orbital debris measured with the NASA-WISEInstrument, Emily Nystrom, Clemson Univ. (USA); Jeremy Murray-Krezan, AirForce Research Lab. (USA)...................................[9469-20]9:20 am: Enabling direct feedback between initial orbit determinationand sensor data processing for detection and tracking of space objects,Brien R. Flewelling, Air Force Research Lab. (USA); Bradley Sease, VirginiaPolytechnic Institute (USA); Timothy S. Murphy, Georgia Institute of Technology(USA) ....................................................[9469-21]9:40 am: Space situational awareness applications for radio astronomyassets, Galen Watts, John M. Ford, H. Alyson Ford, National Radio AstronomyObservatory (USA)..........................................[9469-22]Coffee Break ................................ Tue 10:00 am to 10:30 am10:30 am: The Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) MissionSystem (JMS) and Advanced Research, Collaboration, and ApplicationDevelopment Environment (ARCADE): a test bed for space situationalawareness algorithms (Invited Paper), Jeremy Murray-Krezan, Air ForceResearch Lab. (USA) ........................................[9469-23]CONFERENCE 9469LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 327SESSION 6LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 327 ...........TUE 11:10 AM TO 12:10 PMProcessing and ExploitationSession Chairs: Jeremy Murray-Krezan, Air Force Research Lab. (USA);Ryan M. Weisman, Air Force Research Lab. (USA)11:10 am: Economic analysis of open space box model utilization in spacecraft, Atif F. Mohammad, The Univ. of North Dakota (USA); Jeremy Straub,Univ. of North Dakota (USA) ..................................[9469-24]11:30 am: The effects of developments in the stealth technology, passiveradars and optic sensors on the future, Asim Göktas, Turkish War College(Turkey) ..................................................[9469-25]11:50 am: The Thermal Infrared Compact Imaging Spectrometer (TIRCIS):a follow-on to the Space Ultra-Compact Hyperspectral Imager, Sarah T.Crites, Robert Wright, Paul G. Lucey, Univ. of Hawai’i (USA); Jeremy Chan, Univ.of Hawai’i at Manoa (USA); Harold Garbeil, Amber Imai, Eric J. Pilger, MarkWood, L. Yoneshige, Univ. of Hawai’i (USA)......................[9469-26]DEFENSE + SECURITY+1 360 676 3290 · help@spie.org · (Twitter) #DSS 87

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