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CONFERENCE 9500LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 332SESSION 8LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 332 ............FRI 10:30 AM TO 1:10 PMQuantum States and QuantumEntanglement IISession Chairs: Louis H. Kauffman, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago (USA);Michael R. Frey, Bucknell Univ. (USA)10:30 am: Coherently stimulated parametric down-conversion in quantumoptical metrology, Christopher C. Gerry, Richard Birrittella, Anna Gura, LehmanCollege (USA) .............................................[9500-44]10:50 am: Properties of antipodal atomic Schrödinger cat states,Christopher C. Gerry, Lehman College (USA); Edwin E. Hach III, RochesterInstitute of Technology (USA) .................................[9500-45]11:10 am: States of photons with space-variant polarization, Enrique J.Galvez, Colgate Univ. (USA); Behzad Khajavi, Colgate Univ. (USA) and FloridaAtlantic Univ. (USA); Xinru Cheng, Colgate Univ. (USA) and Univ. of Ottawa(Canada) .................................................[9500-46]11:30 am: Entanglement as a mechanism for controlling distributedquantum systems, Samuel J. Lomonaco Jr., Univ. of Maryland, BaltimoreCounty (USA); Louis H. Kauffman, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago (USA) ...[9500-47]11:50 am: Superconducting circuitry for quantum electromechanicalsystems, Matthew LaHaye, Francisco Rouxinol, Yu Hao, Syracuse Univ.(USA); Seungbo Shim, The Korean Research Institute of Standards andScience (Korea, Republic of); Elinor Irish, Univ. of Southampton (UnitedKingdom) .................................................[9500-48]12:10 pm: Analog quantum computing (AQC) by revisiting the underlyingphysics, Paul J Werbos, Univ. of Memphis (USA) .................[9500-53]12:30 pm: A CNOT gate within a glass chip, Warner A. Miller, GrigoriyKreymerman, Florida Atlantic Univ. (USA); Paul M. Alsing, Air Force ResearchLab. (USA) ................................................[9500-54]12:50 pm: Arbitrary error detection in a planar lattice of the surface code,Jerry M. Chow, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr. (USA) ........[9500-55]SENSING TECHNOLOGY + APPLICATIONS+1 360 676 3290 · help@spie.org · (Twitter) #DSS 163

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