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CONFERENCE 9460 · LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 333Monday–Tuesday 20–21 April 2015 • Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9460Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance,Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems andApplications XIIConference Chair: Daniel J. Henry, Rockwell Collins, Inc. (USA)Conference Co-Chairs: Gregory J. Gosian, L-3 Communications (USA); Davis A. Lange, UTC Aerospace Systems (USA); Dale Linne von Berg,U.S. Naval Research Lab. (USA); Thomas J. Walls, U.S. Naval Research Lab. (USA); Darrell L. Young, Raytheon Intelligence & InformationSystems (USA)MONDAY 20 APRILSESSION 1LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 333 .........MON 9:00 AM TO 10:00 AMISR: Vision, Mission, and TacticsSession Chair: Dale Linne von Berg, U.S. Naval Research Lab. (USA)9:00 am: Reconnaissance architecture in near space, Eren O. Dundar, HarpAkademileri Komutanlığı (Turkey) ...............................[9460-1]9:20 am: Hybrid consensus UAV formation control, Haci Mehmet Guzey,Missouri Univ. of Science and Technology (USA); Travis A. Dierks, DRSSustainment Systems, Inc. (USA); Jagannathan Sarangapani, Missouri Univ. ofScience and Technology (USA).................................[9460-2]9:40 am: Design of a disguised miniature unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)system with surveillance function, Terence K. L. Goh, Donny Ng,Ian V. H. Tam, SIM Univ. (Singapore) ............................[9460-3]Coffee Break ................................Mon 10:00 am to 10:30 amSESSION 2LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 333 .........MON 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PMISR: Passive and Active SensingSession Chair: Thomas J. Walls, U.S. Naval Research Lab. (USA)10:30 am: IR CMOS: an ISR solution for Nightvision and See Spot,Martin U. Pralle, James E. Carey, Chris J. Vineis, SiOnyx Inc. (USA) ....[9460-4]10:50 am: Results from an experiment that collected visible-lightpolarization data using unresolved imagery for classification ofgeosynchronous satellites, Andy Speicher, Mohammad A. Matin, Univ. ofDenver (USA); Francis K. Chun, Roger D. Tippets, U.S. Air Force Academy(USA) .....................................................[9460-5]11:10 am: Laser links for mobile airborne nodes, Wolfgang Griethe,G2Aerospace GmbH (Germany); Markus Knapek, Joachin Horwath, ViaLightCommunications GmbH (Germany) .............................[9460-6]11:30 am: Small SWAP 3D flash ladar for small tactical unmanned airsystems, Alan W. Bird, Scott A. Anderson, Michael D. Wojcik, Scott E. Budge,Utah State Univ. (USA) .......................................[9460-7]11:50 am: EM modeling of far-field radiation patterns for antennason the GMA-TT UAV, Anne I Mackenzie, NASA Langley Research Center(USA) .....................................................[9460-8]12:10 pm: Low-SWaP 4-axis stabilized Gimbal system and enabledmissions, Karl J. Pendergast, Adsys Controls, Inc (USA) ...........[9460-23]Lunch Break .................................Mon 12:30 pm to 1:40 pmSESSION 3LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 333 ...........MON 1:40 PM TO 2:40 PMISR: Image Fusion/EnhancementSession Chair: Davis A. Lange, UTC Aerospace Systems (USA)1:40 pm: Fusion of video and radar comparison to 3D ladar for activityrecognition, David Tahmoush, U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA) ......[9460-10]2:00 pm: Real-time embedded technology for enhancing long-rangeimagery, Aaron L. Paolini, Daniel L. Hertenstein, Eric J. Kelmelis,James Bonnett, Paul A. Fox, EM Photonics, Inc. (USA) .............[9460-11]2:20 pm: Characterization of UAV hover patterns in support ofsuperresolution research, Jeremy Straub, Ronald Marsh, Univ. of NorthDakota (USA)..............................................[9460-12]DSS PLENARY PRESENTATION .. MON 5:00 PM TO 6:00 PMLOCATION: CONV. CTR. BALLROOM 1, LEVEL 4Emerging Research and Engineering Capabilitiesfor NextGen WarfightersALAN R. SHAFFERPrincipal Deputy Assistant Secretary ofDefense Research and EngineeringDepartment of DefenseSee details page 9TUESDAY 21 APRILSESSION 4LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 333 ...........TUE 8:20 AM TO 9:20 AMISR: Image Processing and TrackingSession Chair: Gregory J. Gosian, L-3 Communications (USA)8:20 am: Aerial video mosaicking using binary feature tracking,Breton L. Minnehan, Andreas E. Savakis, Rochester Institute of Technology(USA) ....................................................[9460-13]8:40 am: Background image understanding and adaptive imaging forvehicle tracking, Anthony Vodacek, Matthew J. Hoffman, Burak Uzkent,Bin Chen, Rochester Institute of Technology (USA) ................[9460-14]9:00 am: Enhanced performance for the interacting multiple modelestimator with integrated multiple filters, Madeleine G. Sabordo, EliasAboutanios, The Univ. of New South Wales (Australia)..............[9460-15]DEFENSE + SECURITY+1 360 676 3290 · help@spie.org · (Twitter) #DSS 63

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