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CONFERENCE 9454 · LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 320Monday–Thursday 20–23 April 2015 • Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9454Detection and Sensing of Mines, ExplosiveObjects, and Obscured Targets XXConference Chairs: Steven S. Bishop, U.S. Army Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate (USA); Jason C. Isaacs, Naval Surface WarfareCtr. Panama City Div. (USA)Program Committee: Benjamin E. Barrowes, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Ctr. (USA); Ryan R. Close, U.S. Army Night Vision& Electronics Sensors Directorate (USA); Leslie M. Collins, Duke Univ. (USA); Gerald J. Dobeck, Naval Surface Warfare Ctr. Panama City Div.(USA); Anthony A. Faust, Defence Research and Development Canada, Suffield (Canada); Tesfaye G-Michael, Naval Surface Warfare Ctr.Panama City Div. (USA); Gregory Garcia, Naval Surface Warfare Ctr. Panama City Div. (USA); James M. Keller, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia(USA); Aaron LaPointe, U.S. Army Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate (USA); Henric Östmark, Swedish Defence Research Agency(Sweden); Motoyuki Sato, Tohoku Univ. (Japan); Waymond R. Scott Jr., Georgia Institute of Technology (USA); Richard C. Weaver, U.S. ArmyNight Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate (USA)MONDAY 20 APRILSESSION 1LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 320 .......... MON 8:30 AM TO 9:50 AMTechnology Mélange ISession Chairs: Denis M. Reidy, Naval Explosive Ordnance DisposalTechnology Div. (USA); Leslie M. Collins, Duke Univ. (USA)8:30 am: Forecasting the soil-dependent performance of groundpenetratingradar by means of a conventional field-moisture sensor,Markus Loewer, Jan Igel, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences(Germany) .................................................[9454-1]8:50 am: Stand-off explosive detection utilizing low-power stimulatedemission nuclear quadrupole resonance detection and sub-wavelengthfocusing wideband super lens, William Mouyos, John Apostolos, Judy Feng,Walter Chase, AMI Research and Development (USA)...............[9454-2]9:10 am: Minimally disruptive schedule repair for MCM Missions,Kalyan M. Gupta, Matthew Molineaux, Bryan L. Auslander, Philip G. Moore,Knexus Research (USA) ......................................[9454-3]9:30 am: Fusion of iECO image descriptors for buried explosive hazarddetection in forward-looking infrared imagery, Stanton R. Price,Derek T. Anderson, Mississippi State Univ. (USA); James M. Keller, Univ. ofMissouri-Columbia (USA) .....................................[9454-4]Coffee Break ................................Mon 10:10 am to 10:40 amSESSION 2LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 320 .........MON 10:40 AM TO 12:00 PMTechnology Mélange IISession Chairs: Zeke Topolosky,U.S. Army Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate (USA);Joe Keranen, White River Technologies, Inc. (USA)10:40 am: Detection of concealed targets using spintronic microwavesensor, Lei Fu, Yongsheng Gui, Can-Ming Hu, Univ. of Manitoba (Canada);Yang Xiao, Mounir Jaidann, Hong Guo, McGill Univ. (Canada);Hakima Abou-Rachid, Defence Research and Development Canada,Valcartier (Canada) ..........................................[9454-5]11:00 am: Differential excitation spectroscopy for detection of commonexplosives: ammonium nitrate and urea nitrate, Boyd V. Hunter, Jason M.Cox, Kestrel Corp. (USA); Michael A. Miller, Southwest Research Institute (USA);Richard V. Hunter, Paul Harrison, Levi Van Bastian, William P. Walters, KestrelCorp. (USA) ................................................[9454-6]11:20 am: Using a blackboard architecture or expert system to identifyobfuscated targets from symptoms, Jeremy Straub, Univ. of North Dakota(USA) .....................................................[9454-7]11:40 am: Efficiency of using the spectral dynamics analysis for pulsed THzspectroscopy of both explosive and other materials, Vyacheslav A. Trofimov,Svetlana A. Varentsova, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. (RussianFederation) ................................................[9454-8]Lunch Break .................................Mon 12:00 pm to 1:30 pmSESSION 3LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 320 ............MON 1:30 PM TO 3:10 PMElectromagnetic Induction ISession Chairs: Rajiv Suri,U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (USA);Alina Zare, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia (USA)1:30 pm: Fuzzy logic based sensor performance evaluation of vehiclemounted metal detector systems, Canicious G. Abeynayake, Defence Scienceand Technology Organisation (Australia). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [9454-9]1:50 pm: Explosive hazard detection using sensor fusion and multiplekernel learning with downward-looking GPR and EMI sensor data, AnthonyPinar, Michigan Technological Univ. (USA); Matthew P. Masarik,Jack Kelly, Michigan Tech Research Institute (USA); Timothy C. Havens,Michigan Technological Univ. (USA); Joseph W. Burns, Brian T. Thelen,Michigan Tech Research Institute (USA); John Becker, MichiganTechnological Univ. (USA)....................................[9454-10]2:10 pm: Extended-range electromagnetic induction sensor concepts,Jonathan S. Miller, Chet Bassani, Gregory Schultz, White River Technologies,Inc. (USA).................................................[9454-11]2:30 pm: Wideband electromagnetic interrogation of buried explosivehazards using 3D array, Gregory Schultz, Jonathan S. Miller, Chet Bassani,Peter Lorenz, Joe Keranen, White River Technologies, Inc. (USA) .....[9454-12]2:50 pm: Munitions detection and discrimination on-the-move: dynamicEMI classification methods and potential in CONUS and OCONUSapplications, Gregory Schultz, Jonathan S. Miller, Joe Keranen, FridonShubitidze, White River Technologies, Inc. (USA)..................[9454-13]Coffee Break ..................................Mon 3:10 am to 3:40 amSESSION 4LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 320 ...........MON 3:40 PM TO 4:40 PMElectromagnetic Induction IISession Chairs: Frank Navish III,U.S. Army Night Vision & Electronic Sensors Directorate (USA);Gregory Schultz, White River Technologies, Inc. (USA)3:40 pm: Buried threat detection using a handheld ground penetratingradar system, Mary Knox, Peter A. Torrione, Leslie M. Collins, Kenneth D.Morton Jr., Duke Univ. (USA) .................................[9454-14]4:00 pm: Multiple instance dictionary learning for subsurface objectdetection using handheld EMI, Alina Zare, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia (USA);Brendan Alvey, Univ. of Missouri (USA) and Univ. of Missouri-Columbia (USA);Matthew Cook, Dominic K. Ho, Univ. of Missouri-Columbia (USA) ....[9454-15]4:20 pm: Phase response of high- to very high-frequency metal/anomalydetector, Daniel C. Heinz, U.S. Army CERDEC Intelligence and InformationWarfare Directorate (USA); Michael L. Brennan, CACI International Inc. (USA);Michael B. Steer, North Carolina State Univ. (USA); Adam W. Melber,John T. Cua, U.S. Army CERDEC Intelligence and Information WarfareDirectorate (USA)...........................................[9454-16]50 SPIE DSS 2015 · www.spie.org/dss

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