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INDEX OF AUTHORS, CHAIRS, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSBold = SPIE MemberTeaney, Brian P. [9452-1] S1,[9452-17] S3, [9452-24]S5, [9452-25] S5Tedeschi, Anna 9455 ProgramCommitteeTeets, Edward H. [9468-28]SPThuTekavec, Patrick F. [9467-87]S17Tempelhahn, Alexander[9451-49] S12Temple, Dorota S. [9451-3]S1Tenbarge, Joseph [9461-11] S3Tenne, Dmitri A. [9451-29] S8Tennyson, Elizabeth [9489-17] S5Tentzeris, Manos M. [9467-45] S8Terashima, Wataru [9483-39] S1Teraya, Daiki [9481-22]SPThuTerazzi, Romain [9467-101]S21, [9467-101] S8Terentiev, Evgeni Nikolaevich[9462-22] SPSThu,[9471-22] S5Ter-Gabrielyan, Nikolay E.9466 S7 Session Chair,[9466-7] S2Ternovskiy, Igor V. 9458Conference Chair, 9458S2 Session Chair, [9458-1]S1, [9458-5] S2, [9458-5]S6, 9464 S6 SessionChairTerroux, Marc [9467-83] S17Terterian, Sevag [9451-37]S10Tervo, Ryan [9472-15] S3Tescher, Andrew G. 9474Program CommitteeTessmann, Axel [9483-11] S4Tew, Weston L. [9485-43] S7Tewari, Sudhir [9489-12] S2Thangali, Ashwin [9473-6] S1Thatcher, Jeffrey E. [9472-5] S1Theiler, James P. 9472Program Committee, 9472S10 Session Chair, [9472-24] S5, [9472-48] S11Thein, May-Win [9459-7] S2Theiss, Henry J. [9473-12] S2Thelen, Brian T. [9454-10]S3, [9454-40] S10, [9454-43] S11Thelen, Jean-Claude [9472-44] S8Theodorakeas, Panagiotis[9485-3] S1Thevenin, Mathieu [9455-17]S4Thiam, Cheick [9455-17] S4Thibault, Marilyne [9492-2] S1Thibault, Simon 9451 ProgramCommitteeThibodeau, Dan [9480-11] S4Thiebaut, Carole 9501Program Committee,[9501-1] S1Thiem, Clare D. 9494Program Committee,[9494-19] S1Thoma, George R. 9473Program CommitteeThomas, Benjamin P. [9486-18] S5Thomas, Linda M. 9465 ConferenceChair, [9465-36]S8, [9465-37] S8Thomas, Michael E. 9453Program Committee,9453 S4 Session Chair,[9453-6] S1Thomas, Roney [9486-10] S3Thomay, Tim O. [9492-30] S8Thomopoulos, Stelios C.A.[9456-28] S7, [9456-31] S7, 9474 ProgramCommittee, [9474-23] S5,[9474-24] S5, [9474-44] S8Thompson, Andrew [9464-37] S9Thompson, Charles H.[9476-17] S5Thompson, Scott M. [9493-15] S3Thompson, Wiley E. 9474Program CommitteeThorpe, Laurence J. [9463-15] S5Thundat, Thomas G. 9467Program Committee,[9467-96] S20, [9467-96] S7Tian, Fei 9480 ProgramCommittee, 9480 S7Session Chair, [9480-23]S6, [9480-44] S1Tian, Xin [9469-27] S3Tian, Zhao-Bing [9451-40]S10Tiana, Carlo L. 9471 ProgramCommittee, 9471 S2Session Chair, 9471 S3Session ChairTidrow, Meimei 9451 ProgramCommittee, 9451S6 Session Chair, 9451S8 Session Chair, [9451-103] S6Tierno, Jorge E. [9474-27] S6Timofeev, Andrey V. [9462-12] S3Timofeev, Dmitry V. [9497-1]SPTueTimoshenkov, Alexey [9467-104] SPThuTimoshenkov, Sergey P.[9467-104] SPThu, [9467-105] SPThu, [9467-106]SPThuTing, Chih-Hung [9495-30]S7Ting, David Z. [9451-26] S8Tippets, Roger D. [9460-5] S2Tirumala, Sreekanth [9453-22] S5Tise, Bert L. [9461-49]SPSTueTison, Christopher C. [9500-39] S7, [9500-40] S7Titi, Gerard W. 9475 ProgramCommitteeTivive, Fok Hing Chi [9484-4]S1Tobiason, Joseph D. 9489Program CommitteeTobin, Kenneth W. [9456-1]S1Tofighi, Mohammad [9474-47] S8Tofsted, David H. 9465Program CommitteeToh, Kar-Ann 9457 ProgramCommitteeTokman, Mikhail D. [9476-40] S8Tolosa, Ángel [9495-20] S5Tomaso, Herbert [9487-4] S1Tombelli, Sara [9486-27]SPTueTomey, Hala [9465-33] S8Tomkinson, David M. [9452-18] S3, [9452-24] S5Tong, Qingxi [9482-52] S9Tong, Shoufeng [9465-38]SPSThuTong, Zhou [9488-31] SPTueTonolini, Francesco [9492-18] S6Tonouchi, Masayoshi [9483-4] S1Toomey, Chris A. [9486-13]S4Topolosky, Zeke 9454 S2Session ChairTops, Mark [9451-66] S16Töreyin, Behcet Ugur 9501Program Committee,[9501-3] S1Torrens, Mabel [9487-9] S2Torres Sevilla, Galo [9467-7]S1Torrione, Peter A. 9454 S10Session Chair, [9454-14]S4, [9454-17] S5, [9454-31] S9, [9454-42] S11,[9454-46] S11, [9454-47]S12, [9454-48] S12Toselli, Italo [9465-26] S6Tosi, Alberto [9492-2] S1Tovarek, Jaromir [9478-19] SPSTue, [9496-22]SPThu, [9500-52] SPThuTowers, Ross W. [9456-9] S2Towles, Herman [9470-2]S1, [9470-2] S12Townsend, Jeffrey N. [9476-25] S7Townsend, Troy K. [9493-23]SPTueToyoshima, Morio 9465Program CommitteeTracy, Allen J. [9465-11] S3Tragazikis, Ilias [9485-34] S6Tran, Binh Q. [9496-21] S5Tran, Hien T. [9469-12] S3Tran, John J. [9500-11] S2Tran, Minh C. [9500-26] S5Tran, Minh Dao-Johnson[9454-37] S10Tran, Nhien [9496-3] S1Tränkle, Günther [9486-12]S3, [9488-16] S3Trantelle, Patrick [9463-12]S4Trease, Brian P. [9467-47] S8Trees, Charles C. [9459-15]S3Tremblay, Pierre [9454-19]S5, [9485-48] S9Trenchant, Vincent [9494-26] S1Trevor, Dennis J. 9480 ProgramCommitteeTrewick, Stephen [9452-32] S6Trinité, Virginie [9451-25] S8Tripathi, Dhirendra Kumar[9482-28] S4Tripathi, Pipin Kumar [9457-9] S4Tripathi, Renu [9465-2] S1Triplett, Gregory E. [9481-9] S2Tripp, Howard [9479-9] S2Trivedi, Sudhir B. [9486-21]S5, [9487-29] S6, 9493Program CommitteeTroccoli, Mariano [9467-102]S17Trofimov, Vladislav V. [9483-23] S7, [9485-53] S10Trofimov, Vyacheslav A.[9454-8] S2, [9461-68]S13, [9483-23] S7, [9485-53] S10Trono, Cosimo [9486-27]SPTueTropp, Joel A. [9496-30] S6Trost, Marcus [9453-29] S5Truffer, Jean-Patrick [9451-4]S1Trujillo, Nicole B. [9461-24]S5Trujillo-Sevilla, Juan M. T.[9495-25] S7Truslow, Eric [9472-2] S1Trybula, Walter J. [9467-50]S9Tsai, Benjamin K. [9461-65]S13Tseng, Tzu-Liang B. [9485-49] S9Tsiang, Eugene [9482-37] S5Tsintikidis, Dimitri [9467-74]S14Tsybrii, Zinoviia F [9483-27] S8Tu, Xuecou [9483-25] S8Tuccio, Lorenza [9488-5] S1Tucker, Carole E. [9462-14]S4Tucker, David [9482-30] S4Tucker, Jonathan D. [9473-20] S4Tuell, Grady H. 9472 ProgramCommittee, 9472 S9Session Chair, [9498-4]S1Tuito, Avi [9451-20] S6,[9451-69] S16Tükenmez, Mahmut [9458-13] S4Tunc, Seyit [9476-22] S6Tune, Shanna [9453-24] S5Turbin, Evgeny [9492-3] S1Turková, Ivana [9486-40]SPTueTurner, Alan [9480-11] S4Turner, Kimberly L. [9455-37] S8Turner, Monte D. 9465Conference Chair, 9465S1 Session Chair, 9465S5 Session ChairTurner, Ryan [9476-13] S4Turri, William [9464-29] S8,[9464-31] S9, [9464-37]S9Tusch, Jan [9489-15] S5Tustison, Randal W. 9453Program CommitteeTutu, Frank [9480-16] S5Twardowski, Michael S. 9459Program Committee,[9459-15] S3Twede, David [9472-9] S2Twigg, Jeffrey N. [9468-3] S1Tybjerg, Marius [9451-30]S8, [9451-31] S8, [9451-95] SPTueTyrrell, Brian M. [9451-85]S20UUdd, Eric 9480 ConferenceChair, 9480 S1 SessionChair, 9480 S3 SessionChair, [9480-1] S1,[9480-5] S2, [9480-6] S2,SC1160Uddin, A .S. M. Iftekhar[9486-35] SPTueUdwary, Kevin [9466-15] S4,[9466-16] S4Uhl, Elizabeth R. [9452-22]S4Uhlmann, Jeffrey K. [9461-41] S9Uhrin, Dominik [9497-12] S2Ukhanov, Alexander A.[9451-29] S8Ulku, Irem [9501-3] S1Ullal, Saurabh [9453-4] S1Uludag, Yildiz [9482-5] S1Ulusoy Parnas, Ilkay [9476-22] S6Unger, Blair L. SC1162Unmüssig, Gabriel [9463-12]S4Upadhyay, Sourabh [9481-28] SPThuUrayama, Junji [9500-15] S3Urbanek, Benedikt [9483-17]S6Usbeck, Kyle [9456-25] S6Uskov, Dmitry B. [9500-22]S4Usui, Fumiaki [9463-15] S5Uzkent, Burak [9460-14] S4VVadakkapattu Canthadai,Badrinath [9453-22] S5,[9488-48] S5Vaia, Richard 9467 ProgramCommittee, 9467 S8 SessionChair, [9467-44] S8Vaidya, Misha [9496-3] S1Vaillancourt, Robert [9482-32] S4Vaitekunas, David A. [9452-14] S2, [9452-16] S3Vajtai, Robert [9483-4] S1Valupadas, Prasad [9486-20] S5van Aardt, Jan A. N. [9461-63] S13, [9465-20] S5,[9472-52] S11Van Acker, Sebastien [9451-66] S16Van Bastian, Levi [9454-6]S2Van Benthem, Mark H.[9478-7] S2192 SPIE DSS 2015 · www.spie.org/dss

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