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INDEX OF AUTHORS, CHAIRS, AND COMMITTEE MEMBERSBold = SPIE MemberDoehler, Hans-Ul<strong>lr</strong>ich [9471-17] S4, [9471-18] S4Doering, Alexander [9480-33] S8Doerry, Armin W. 9461Conference Chair, [9461-24] S5, [9461-49] SPSTue,[9461-50] SPSTue, [9461-51] SPSTue, [9461-52]SPSTue, [9475-13] S2Dogaru, Traian V. [9461-18]S4, [9461-27] S6, [9461-34] S7Döhler, Gottfried H. 9483Program CommitteeDoi, Kohei [9483-26] S8Dolloff, John T. [9473-12]S2, [9473-13] S2Dolph, Chester [9469-5] S1,[9477-14] S4Dolphin, Nicolas [9474-56]SPSTue, [9496-9] S3,[9497-22] S4Domínguez Osante, CristianÁngel [9467-69] S13Dominguez, Jacinto [9451-70] S16Donald, Bonna C. [9490-8] S2Dong, Weimin [9466-5] S2Donkor, Eric 9500 ConferenceChair, 9500 S3Session Chair, [9500-2]S1, [9500-24] S4, [9500-3]S1Donnelly, Joseph P. [9492-24] S7D’Onofrio, Richard [9451-85]S20Donoho, David L. 9496Program CommitteeDonval, Ariela [9451-17] S5,[9470-5] S2Donzelli, Thomas P. [9454-34] S9Dorado, Adrián [9495-13]S4Dorado-Munoz, Leidy P.[9472-36] S7D’Orazio, Angela M. [9469-2]S1Dorizzi, Bernadette 9457Program CommitteeDorothy, Michael [9467-59]S11, [9467-59] S6Dorsey, Brandi L. [9455-13] S3Dörtbudak, Mehmet Fevzi[9456-16] S3Doster, Timothy J. [9472-29] S6Dotan, Ido Elisha [9470-5] S2Doucette, Peter J. 9473Conference Chair, 9473S3 Session Chair, [9473-12] S2, [9473-13] S2Dougherty, John D. [9482-47] S7Drachenberg, Derrek R.[9466-11] S3Dragic, Peter D. [9466-24]S6Drake, Gryphon [9451-55]S13, [9451-57] S13Driad, Rachid [9455-15] S4,[9467-95] S20, [9467-95] S7Driggers, Ronald G. 9451Program Committee,9451 S19 Session Chair,9452 Program Committee,9452 S4 SessionChair, [9452-8] S1, 9496Program CommitteeDrimbarean, Alexandru[9485-25] S4Driver, Richard 9482 ProgramCommitteeDrolet, Frédéric [9499-15] S4Druart, Guillaume [9451-13]S4, [9482-34] S5Druy, Mark A. 9482 ConferenceChair, 9482 S1Session ChairD’Souza, Arvind I. 9481Program CommitteeDu Bosq, Todd W. [9452-10]S2, [9452-17] S3, [9452-21] S4Du, Eliza Yingzi 9497 ConferenceChair, 9497 S3Session ChairDu, Henry H. 9480 ConferenceChair, 9480 S1Session Chair, 9480 S4Session Chair, [9480-23]S6, [9480-44] S1Du, Lili [9501-51] SPThuDu, Qian 9501 ConferenceCoChair, 9501 S5 SessionChair, [9501-23] S5,[9501-30] S6, [9501-8] S2,SC1161Du, Songtao [9488-6] S1Du, Wenkai [9477-27]SPSThuDu, Xiaoming [9487-29] S6Du, Xiaoming [9489-4] S1Du, Xiaoxiao [9454-55] S14Dua, Geetika [9485-18] S3,[9485-36] S6Dubbert, Dale F. [9461-23]S5, [9461-49] SPSTueDubinskii, Mark 9466 ConferenceChair, 9466 S2Session Chair, [9466-24]S6, [9466-25] S6, [9466-7]S2DuBois, Terry [9493-5] S1Duchaineau, Mark A. 9473Program CommitteeDuckworth, Gregory L. 9456Program Committee,9456 S2 Session Chair,9456 S3 Session ChairDufaux, Frederic 9497Program CommitteeDuff, Danielle [9464-12] S4Dulay, Samuel [9487-4] S1Duman, Kaan [9475-5] S1Dunbar, Zachary [9468-13]S4, [9468-13] S5Duncan, William D. [9462-14]S4Dundar, Eren O. [9460-1] S1Dunn, Malcolm H. [9455-23] S5Dunnill, Kevin Frank [9482-43] S6Duparré, Angela [9453-29]S5Duraisamy, Prakash[9477-11] S3, [9477-19] S5,[9477-28] S6Durak, Hasan [9456-49] S12Durbano, James P. 9478Program CommitteeDuschek, Frank [9455-11] S3Dutt, Ravi 9481 ProgramCommitteeDutta, Achyut K. 9467Conference Chair, 9481Conference Chair, 9481S1 Session Chair, 9481 S2Session Chair, 9481 S3Session Chair, 9481 S4Session Chair, [9481-4]S1, 9483 Program Committee,9493 ConferenceChair, 9493 S1 SessionChair, 9493 S2 SessionChair, 9493 S3 SessionChair, [9493-13] S3Dutta, Niloy K. [9467-111]SPThu, [9467-112] SPThuDutta, Prabir K. [9491-18]SPThuDvoretsky, Sergey A. [9483-27] S8EEbrahimi, Touradj 9497Program CommitteeEbrecht, Lars [9471-16] S4Eddy, Charles R. [9466-16]S4Edge, Harris L. [9468-18] S5Edirisinghe, Eran A. [9481-15] S3, [9481-26] SPThuEdwards, Perry S. [9482-20] S3Edwards, Tim [9451-36] S10Edwards, Timothy J. 9470Program CommitteeEgiazarian, Karen [9497-1]SPTue, [9497-30] SPTue,[9497-6] S1Ehlinger, Dennis [9453-14] S3Eich, Detlef [9451-73] S17Eichenholz, Jason M. 9482Program CommitteeEichfeld, Sarah M. [9467-22]S4Eick, Andrew [9463-11] S4Eicke, John S. 9479 ProgramCommittee, 9499 ProgramCommitteeEismann, Michael T. SymposiumCommittee, 9451Program Committee, 9451S10 Session Chair, 9472Program Committee, 9472S3 Session Chair, [9472-18] S4, 9495 ProgramCommitteeEkedebe, Nnanna N. [9474-56] SPSTue, [9496-9] S3,[9497-14] S2, [9497-22] S4El Bekri, Nadia [9499-7] S2Elangovan, Vinayak [9478-18]S4, [9499-8] S2El-Araby, Esam [9478-1] S1Elele, James N. 9478 ProgramCommitteeElgin, Dave [9465-3] S1El-Habashi, Ahmed [9459-16] S4Elhamri, Said [9451-39] S10El-Hinnawy, Nabil [9479-4] S1Eliyahu, Danny [9480-14] S4Elizarov, Valentin V. [9486-32] SPTue, [9486-33]SPTueElliott, Chip Brig 9500 ProgramCommitteeEllis, Michael J. [9451-70]S16Elmoghazy, Essam [9480-28] S8El-Sayed, Mostafa A.[9467-32] S6Elwell, Ryan A. [9461-34] S7Ely, Jay J. [9468-28] SPThu,[9480-31] S8Elyamani, Abdessama 9480Program CommitteeElyorgun, Deniz [9487-5] S1Emerick, Timothy [9473-17]S3Emery, Teresa H. [9467-76]S14Emge, Darren K. 9455Program Committee,9455 S4 Session Chair,[9455-19] S4Eminoglu, Selim [9451-33]S9, [9451-96] SPTueEmiyah, Christian [9497-18]S3Endo, Yutaka [9495-40]SPTueEngel, Emily K. [9493-25]SPTueEngel, James R. [9482-32] S4Engin, Doruk [9466-30]SPSTueEnglund, Dirk R. [9467-41]S7, [9500-1] S1Ensafi, Eskandar [9469-2] S1Entwitsle, Mark [9492-23] S7Eppeldauer, George P.[9452-38] SPSTue,SC1109Erbacher, Robert F. [9458-9]S3Erbert, Götz [9486-12] S3,[9488-16] S3Erdmann, Reinhard 9500Program Committee,9500 S2 Session Chair,9500 S4 Session Chair,[9500-3] S1Eren, Firat [9459-7] S2Erer, I??n [9482-49] S8Erkan, Abdullah [9470-24] S8Ernst, Johannes M. [9471-18] S4Erol, Enes [9470-37] S8Errea, Steve [9452-4] S1Ersoy, Okan K. [9482-49] S8Ertin, Emre [9475-17] S2Esakkimuthuraju, M. [9488-48] S5Escamilla-Ambrosio, PoncianoJ. [9484-12] S4Esfandyarpour, Rahim[9486-4] S2Espinola, Richard L. 9452Program Committee,9452 S2 Session Chair,[9452-13] S2Essex, M. [9490-18] S3Esterline, Chelsea H. [9465-23] S5Etchanchu, Thierry [9451-66]S16Ettinger, Gil J. 9475 ProgramCommitteeEvans, Douglass [9467-72]S14Evans, Keith R. [9467-22] S4Evans, Philip G. [9500-6] S1,[9500-7] S1Evans-Nguyen, Theresa G.9490 Program CommitteeEverett, H. R. [9468-19] S5Evstafyev, Sergey [9467-106]SPThuEwald, Andrew [9496-32] S7Ewing, Kenneth J. [9482-43] S6Ewing, Robert L. [9461-28]S6Exarchos, Dimitrios A.[9485-34] S6Ezekiel, Soundararajan[9473-9] S2FFabbri, Andrea [9488-38]SPTueFabris, Laura [9486-10] S3Faccio, Daniele [9492-18] S6Fairley, John D. [9493-15] S3Faist, Jérôme [9467-93] S19Fajkus, Marcel [9478-19]SPSTueFales, Andrew M. [9486-12]S3, [9486-7] S2Falk, Matthias [9481-11] S2Familoni, Jide 9496 ProgramCommitteeFan, Fei [9483-1] S1Fan, Qihui [9494-12] S3Fan, Wensheng [9472-5] S1Fan, Xudong 9480 ProgramCommitteeFang, Joyce [9481-31] SPThuFang, Jyh-Perng [9501-28]S6Fantacci, Claudio [9474-13]S3Fanto, Michael 9500 ProgramCommittee, 9500 S1Session Chair, 9500 S6Session Chair, [9500-22]S4, [9500-39] S7, [9500-40] S7Faraone, Lorenzo [9482-28] S4Fares, Maha [9470-35] S1,[9470-35] S12Fargnoli, Joseph D. [9461-72]S14Farhadiroushan, Mahmoud[9491-13] S4Farina, Alfonso [9474-13] S3Farka, Zdenek [9455-10] S3Farley, Vincent [9454-19] S5,[9455-26] S5, [9485-48]S9Farooq, Mohammad 9474Program CommitteeFarr, Norman E. [9459-3] S1Farr, William H. 9492 ProgramCommittee, 9492 S4Session ChairFarrell, Alan [9481-8] S2,[9492-27] S8174 SPIE DSS 2015 · www.spie.org/dss

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