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CONFERENCE 9458 · LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 318 AND 325Tuesday 21 April 2015 • Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9458Cyber Sensing 2015Conference Chairs: Igor V. Ternovskiy, Air Force Research Lab. (USA); Peter Chin, Draper Lab. (USA), Boston Univ. (USA)Program Committee: Chad D. Heitzenrater, Air Force Research Lab. (USA); Tony C. Kim, Air Force Research Lab. (USA)TUESDAY 21 APRILSESSION 1LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 318 ...........TUE 8:00 AM TO 9:00 AMCyber Sensing I8:00 am: Image reconstruction from sub-apertures of circular spotlightSAR, Xiaohui Yuan, Univ. of North Texas (USA); Igor V. Ternovskiy, Air ForceResearch Lab. (USA) .........................................[9458-1]8:20 am: Testing simple deceptive honeypot tools, Aymen Yahyaoui, TunisianAir Force (Tunisia); Neil C. Rowe, Naval Postgraduate School (USA)....[9458-2]8:40 am: A prototype forensic toolkit for industrial-control-systems incidentresponse, Nickolas B Carr, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (USA); NeilC. Rowe, Naval Postgraduate School (USA).......................[9458-3]SESSION 2LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 325 ...........TUE 9:00 AM TO 11:55 AMNOTE ROOM CHANGESituation AwarenessJoint Session with Conferences 9458 and 9464Session Chairs: Igor V. Ternovskiy, Air Force Research Lab. (USA);Tien Pham, U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA)9:00 am: Situational consciousness for autonomous cyberspaceoperations (Keynote Presentation), Steven K. Rogers, Air Force ResearchLab. (USA) .............................................[9458-4]9:45 am: Situational awareness: a holistic perspective your mother wasafraid to tell you (Invited Paper), Michael A Kolodny, U.S. Army Research Lab.(USA) ....................................................[9464-18]Coffee Break ................................ Tue 10:15 am to 10:45 am10:45 am: Qualia centric hypothetical thinking: applications to vehicletracking with the fusion of EO and SAR input data sources (Invited Paper),Jonathan L. White, Harding Univ. (USA); Anthony Helmstetter, Arizona StateUniv. (USA); Jared L. Culbertson, Igor V. Ternovskiy, Air Force Research Lab.(USA) .....................................................[9458-5]11:15 am: Automatic video-based classification of small group behavior tosupport situational understanding, Robert Williams, Air Force Research Lab.(USA); Julie A. Skipper, Skipper Consulting (USA) .................[9464-19]11:35 am: Addressing cyber information overload with cognitive modelingconstructs, Sandra L. Vaughan, Air Force Institute of Technology (USA) andU.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (USA); Robert F. Mills, Michael R. Grimaila,Gilbert L. Peterson, Air Force Institute of Technology (USA); Steven K. Rogers,Air Force Research Lab. (USA) .................................[9458-6]Lunch/Exhibition Break ......................... Tue 11:55 am to 1:45 pmSESSION 3LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 318 ............ TUE 1:45 PM TO 3:25 PMCyber Sensing II1:45 pm: On a simulation study for reliable and secured smart gridcommunication, Sriharsha Mallapuram, Paul Moulema, Wei Yu, Towson Univ.(USA) .....................................................[9458-7]2:05 pm: Risk assessment by dynamic representation of vulnerability,exploitation, and impact, Hasan Cam, U.S. Army Research Lab. (USA).[9458-8]2:25 pm: Network traffic correlation using autonomous system number,Steve Hutchinson, ICF International (USA); Robert F. Erbacher, U.S. ArmyResearch Lab. (USA) .........................................[9458-9]2:45 pm: CyberSecurity for aerospace autonomous systems, Jeremy Straub,Univ. of North Dakota (USA) ..................................[9458-10]3:05 pm: Cybercrime and prospect theory: Considerations for policy effortsand the framing of ‘cyber warfare’, Wesley Beaver, Oxford Internet Institute(United Kingdom) ...........................................[9458-11]Coffee Break ..................................Tue 3:25 pm to 3:55 pmSESSION 4LOCATION: CONV. CTR. ROOM 318 ............TUE 3:55 PM TO 5:35 PMCyber Sensing III3:55 pm: Is cyber warfare threat or advantage for air operations?,Harun R. Altun, Fatih Buyruk, Ferhat Pinar, Turkish Air War College(Turkey) ..................................................[9458-12]4:15 pm: Turkey’s cyber security perception and the portion of cybersecurity in national defence, Mahmut Tükenmez, Turkish Air Force Academy(Turkey) ..................................................[9458-13]4:35 pm: Network systems security analysis, Ismail Yilmaz, Turkish Air ForceAcademy (Turkey) ..........................................[9458-14]4:55 pm: Efficient non-resonant absorption of electromagnetic radiationin thin cylindrical targets: experimental demonstration, Andrey Akhmeteli,LTASolid Inc. (USA); Nikolay G. Kokodiy, Boris V. Safronov, Valeriy P.Balkashin, Ivan A. Priz, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National Univ. (Ukraine); AlexanderTarasevitch, Univ. Duisburg-Essen (Germany) ....................[9458-15]5:15 pm: Cyber warfare and electronic warfare integration in theoperational environment of the future: Cyber Electronic Warfare,Osman Askin, Riza Irmak, Mustafa Avsever, Turkish War Colleges, Turkish NavalWar College (Turkey) ........................................[9458-16]60 SPIE DSS 2015 · www.spie.org/dss

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