Number in series 70; Year of publication 1986 - Fell and Rock ...

Number in series 70; Year of publication 1986 - Fell and Rock ...

Number in series 70; Year of publication 1986 - Fell and Rock ...


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THE DAY I BROKE THE NEEDLEStan ThompsonIn summer 1941, as a young climber active <strong>in</strong> the Lakes prior to go<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tothe R.A.F., I saw a good deal <strong>of</strong> George Basterfield, particularly on Gable,where I <strong>of</strong>ten climbed with the few active climbers who were not yet do<strong>in</strong>g warservice. George expressed great concern about the stability <strong>of</strong> three large blocksperched on the arete <strong>of</strong> the Needle, just below the Shoulder. (These can be seenon older photographs.)After some discussion <strong>and</strong> exam<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>of</strong> the blocks, from which climbersfrequently abseiled despite their <strong>in</strong>stability, George decided that they should be'removed'! Our help was enlisted, as we operated from Wasdale Head eachweekend <strong>and</strong> could get to the crag at a time when no-one was around <strong>and</strong>perhaps push the blocks <strong>of</strong>f without danger to other climbers, walkers etc. —apart from a few <strong>of</strong> Joe Naylor's sheep! We set <strong>of</strong>f one morn<strong>in</strong>g at 5am <strong>and</strong>climbed up to the Shoulder by about 7am. It was the day that Germany <strong>and</strong>Russia declared war, so it is clear <strong>in</strong> my memory: a bright summer day with noonearound. Remov<strong>in</strong>g the blocks was easy. They were supported by a slenderf<strong>in</strong>ger <strong>of</strong> rock, separated from the ma<strong>in</strong> rock <strong>of</strong> the arete. (It was around thisf<strong>in</strong>ger that people threaded abseil ropes.) This flimsy support was easilyknocked out, <strong>and</strong> the three blocks, each about 2-3' cube, were very delicatelybalanced. It only required one shove with my foot from above to send them <strong>of</strong>f<strong>in</strong>to space with dramatic effect! One l<strong>and</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Needle Gully <strong>and</strong> is still there,one went across Gable Traverse, <strong>and</strong> the largest one bounded down the screealmost as far as the Styhead path — Mr. Naylor swore that he heard the crash <strong>of</strong>these descend<strong>in</strong>g stones <strong>in</strong> Wasdale Head! The Needle was altered <strong>in</strong> shapequite considerably <strong>and</strong> we were well aware that, <strong>in</strong> a sense, we had modified theFRCC emblem <strong>and</strong> all the badges etc. were now <strong>in</strong>accurate. It was said that, forsome time afterwards, if one went <strong>in</strong>to Abraham's shop <strong>in</strong> Keswick to buy apostcard <strong>of</strong> the Needle, the assistant would get an eraser out <strong>of</strong> his pocket <strong>and</strong>carefully rub out the blocks before sell<strong>in</strong>g the postcard — the Abrahams were allfor mov<strong>in</strong>g with the time despite be<strong>in</strong>g a bit ancient <strong>in</strong> their shop-front display.Subsequently I got rather a strong note from the Club Secretary <strong>of</strong> the time —I th<strong>in</strong>k it was Mary Leighton — say<strong>in</strong>g that I had exceeded my responsibilities(as a very new member) by alter<strong>in</strong>g the shape <strong>of</strong> the Club emblem withoutpermission! However, it was accepted that the blocks were very unsafe <strong>and</strong> thatwe had been act<strong>in</strong>g on the <strong>in</strong>structions <strong>of</strong> a most venerable <strong>and</strong> famous member<strong>in</strong> do<strong>in</strong>g what George had suggested. I th<strong>in</strong>k we were forgiven? I hope so!! Itwas a memorable day for me (<strong>and</strong> for the world) <strong>and</strong> I always th<strong>in</strong>k <strong>of</strong> it when Iclimb the Needle <strong>and</strong> move up to the arete where the blocks used to be. I wasone <strong>of</strong> those who really 'broke the Needle'!157

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