Software application manual - VTP UP

Software application manual - VTP UP

Software application manual - VTP UP


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Chapter 6Figure 6.4. Acquisition Status Bar During Post-Run (Clean Cell) Phase.After all 3 phases of the run have been completed, the driver reverts to the idle state anddisplays idle time in the Status indicator, in preparation for the next sample. The 3-phaseacquisition repeats for each remaining sample in the Analyst queue, until all samples havebeen run.6.3 Aborting a Batch from the Driver ProgramA batch can be aborted from within the Coulochem III driver during any phase of theacquisition. To stop the batch, select Instrument > Abort Batch from the driver menu.Aborting a batch causes the driver to shift immediately to the post-run (clean cell) phase ofthe currently executing run. The driver also sends a signal to Analyst to stop any furtherexecution of the batch.6.4 Viewing the Coulochem III Electrochemical Data Profile andMethod PropertiesDuring the acquisition phase of a run, the analog electrochemical data signal is sent to theA/D Converter box, converted to a digital stream of data and fed into the Analyst program forstorage inside an AnalystTo view the electrochemical profile(s), select File > Open Data File from the Analyst mainmenu. Then select the data file from the files listed, and then the sample name, and click OK.Analyst opens the file and displays the total ion chromatogram (TIC) data by default. Toview the electrochemical profile(s), right-click in the TIC plot and select Show ADC Datafrom the context menu. Select A/D Converter – Channel 1 and click OK, then repeat todisplay channel 2 if using 2 channels. Figure 6.5 shows an example of electrochemical dataprofiles for 2 channels.46 Coulochem ® III Analyst Driver – Version 1.0User’s Manual

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