Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

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Bismuth Telluride (tellurobismuthite), Bi2Te3 (trigonal)—ContinuedReferences [5][1] R. M. Thompson, The telluride minerals and their [6]occurrence in Canada, Am. Mineralogist 34, 342-382 (1949).[2] F. I. Vasenin and P. F. Konovalov, lonization x-<strong>ray</strong> [7] Estructure investigation of bismuth telluride, J. Tech.Phys. 26, part 7, 1376 (1956).[3] G. A. Harcourt, Tables for the identification of oreminerals by x-<strong>ray</strong> powder diffraction, Am. Mineralogist 27, 100 (1942). [8][4] P. W. Lange, Ein vergleich zwischen Bi2Te3 undBi2Te2S, Naturwissenschaften 27, 133 (1939).C. Frondel, Redefinition of tellurobismuthite andvandiestite, Am. J. Sci. 238, 880-888 (1940).M. A. Peacock and L. G. Berry, Rontgenographicobservations on ore minerals, Univ. TorontoStudies Geol. Ser. 44-48, 67 (1940-1943).Donges, Ober Chalkogenohalogenide dreiwertigenAntimons und Wismuts III. tlber Tellurohalogenidedes dreiwertigen Antimons und Wismuts undiiber Antimon und Wismut III-Tellurid und WismutIII-Selenid, Z. anorg. allgem. Chem. 265, 56 (1951).S. A. Semiletov, An electron diffraction study of filmsof Bi-Se and Bi-Te prepared by evaporation, TrudyInst. Krist. Akad. Nauk SSSR 10, 76-83 (1954).Bismuth Trioxide (bismite), alpha Bi2O 3 (pseudo-orthorhombic)<strong>Powder</strong> data cards.Cardnumbers6-02946-0307Indexlines3.261. 961. 753,232. 681.67Sille*n [1] 1941.SourceFrondel [2] 1943.NBS sample. The sample of bismuth trioxidewas obtained from Johnson, Matthey, and Co.,Ltd. Their spectrographic analysis showed thefollowing major impurities: less than 0.001 percent each of silicon aluminum, lead, silver, andsodium.The color of the sample was light yellow. Therefractive indices were top high to be determinedby the usual liquid-grain immersion method.The d-values of the three strongest lines are:3.253, 2.693, and 2.708 LStructural data. Sillfo [1] in 1941 determinedthat alpha bismuth oxide is monoclinic or pseudoorthorhombichaving the monoclinic space groupCV-P2!/c (No. 14), with 4(Bi2O3) per unit monocliniccell, or 8(Bi2O3) per unit pseudo-orthorhombiccell. According to Sill6n [1], themonoclinic indices hkl are transformed into thepseudo-orthorhombic indices h'k'l' by the following relationsThe lattice constants reported by Sill6n havebeen converted from kX to angstrom units forcomparison with the NBS values.hkl120111200031220040131211140102231022240122320051311151222331142340251400260302242, 420013322411113071351171062033431162360133Internal <strong>Standard</strong>, oTungsten, a = 3. 1648 ACu, 1.5405 A at 25 CdA5. 2764. 4984. 0843. 6223. 5173. 4563. 3103. 2533. 1842. 7532. 7082. 6932. 6382. 5592.5322. 4992.4292. 3902. 2442. 1762. 1542. 1382. 1322. 0412. 00641. 99221. 95841. 93171. 91361. 90981. 87871. 87201. 84091. 82371. 80871. 79671. 77901. 76601. 75901. 7549/2448219331002563839615976146652825426

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