Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

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Sodium Trimetaphosphate, Na3P3O 9 (orthorhombic)—ContinuedLattice constantsabcThe density of sodium trimetaphosphate calculated from the NBS lattice constants is 2.515g/cm3 at 25 °C.196019621963Oridik and Gryder[2].deWolff- -------National Bureauof <strong>Standard</strong>sat 25 °C.A7.937.9287. 930A13. 1413. 2213. 220A7. 757. 7037. 705References[1] D. E. C. Corbridge and F. R. Tromans, Identificationof sodium phosphates with an x-<strong>ray</strong> focusing camera,Anal. Chem. 30, 1101-1110 (1958).[2] H. M. Ondik and J. W. Gryder, Crystal chemistry ofthe hydrates of sodium trimetaphosphate, J. Inorg.Nucl. Chem. 14, Nos. 3/4, 240-246 (1960).<strong>Powder</strong> data cardsCardnumber1-097711-391Sodium Trimetaphosphate Monohydrate, Na3P3O 9 *H2O (orthohombic)Indexlines2. 843.032. 604. 963. 573. 01SourceNew Jersey Zinc Co.Corbridge and Tromans [1] 1958.Card number 12-10 also is called Na 3P3O 9-H2O;however, it contains a very different pattern,perhaps another form.Additional published patterns. None.NBS sample. The sample of sodium trimetaphosphate monohydrate was prepared atNBS by heating sodium dihydrogen orthophosphatefor 5 hr at 530 °C. Solid sodiumtrimetaphosphate was salted out with NaCland then recrystallized several times, Spectrographicanalysis showed the following majorimpurities: 0.001 to 0.01 percent each of aluminum, barium, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, and titanium.The sample is colorless and it is probablyoptically negative. The indices of refraction areN«= 1.493, N0= 1.502, and N T= 1.504.The ^-values of the three strongest lines are:3.566, 2.825, and (2.605 and 2.601)AStructural data. Ondik and Gryder [2] in 1960determined that sodium trimetaphosphate monohydratehas the space group C29v-P2icn (No. 33)or Di£-Pmcn (No. 62) with 4(Na3P3O g H2O) perunit cell.hkl110Oil111021121200130002012211131112022221122041141202310212132240311150051042013330113,232331123, 302312060052213Internal <strong>Standard</strong>, 0Tungsten, a = 3. 1648 ACu, 1.5405 A at 25 CdA7. 1446. 5535. 1954.9684. 2894. 2523. 9053. 7783. 6333. 5663. 4693. 3403. 2783. 2303. 0603. 0222. 8482. 8252. 7692. 7622. 7162. 6052. 6012. 5202. 4912. 4842.4742. 3822.3752. 2722. 2662.2352. 1982. 1632. 139/42384960325321715100646055887351001 /101J518\ }396174416

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