Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

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Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate Hexahydrate (struvite), MgNH4PO4*6H2O(orthorhombic)<strong>Powder</strong> data cardsCardnumberIndexlinesSourcehklInternal <strong>Standard</strong>,Tungsten, a -=3.1648 ACu, 1.5405 A at 25 C5-03164. 282.932. 69Hanawalt, Rinn and Frevel [1]1938.Additional published patterns. None.NBS sample. The sample of struvite was precipitated at NBS from a solution of magnesiumsulfate by adding a solution of ammonium monohydrogenorthophosphate. Spectrographic analysis showed the following major impurities: 0.01to 0.1 percent sodium, and 0.001 to 0.01 percenteach of calcium, iron, and silicon.The sample was colorless and optically positive.The indices of refraction are Na —1,493, N^=1.496, and N? = 1.501.The d-values of the three strongest lines are:4.257, 5.601, and 2.919 A.Structural data. Bland and Basinski [2] in1959 determined that struvite has the space groupC27vrPm2!n (No. 31) and 2(MgNH4PCV6H2O) perunit cell.194419591963Palache, Bermanand Frondel [3]_Bland and Basinski[2]. ________National Bureauof <strong>Standard</strong>s at25°C_________Lattice constantsaA6. 106. 136.945±. 001b£11.2011. 1911. 208±. 002cA6. 976. 926. 1355± . 0008The density calculated from the NBS latticeconstants is 1.706 g/cm3 at 25 °C.References[1] J. D. Hanawalt, H. W. Rinn, and L. K. Frevel, Chemical analysis by x-<strong>ray</strong> diffraction, Ind. Eng. Chem.,Anal. Ed. 10, 457-512 (1938).[2] J. A. Bland and S. J. Basinski, Crystal symmetry ofstruvite (guanite), Nature 183, 1385-7 (1959).[3] C. Palache, H. Berman, and C. Frondel, D ana'sSystem of Mineralogy, 7th Ed. 2, 715 (1944).001110020Oil101111021121200130031002201012211040112022221041122141231202212240301150222, 311042241003151142103, 232113023331123312052251033203133, 400341223332dA6. 145. 9055. 6015. 3784. 6004. 2574. 1393. 5573. 4753. 2893. 1923. 0673. 0222. 9582. 9192. 8022. 7222. 6902. 6602. 5482. 5112. 3942. 3522. 3002. 2532. 1802. 1672. 1332. 1272. 0692. 054\2. 046J2. 0141. 9831. 9601. 9321. 9211. 8731. 8511. 8221. 8101. 8011. 7941. 7621. 737L 7141. 681L 657/74158276100404112723142354341550433751214435761110514235338141091454441

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