Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

Standard X-ray Diffraction Powder Patterns

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Silver Antimony Telluride, AgSbTe2 (cubic)<strong>Powder</strong> data cards. None.Additional published patterns. Geller and Wernick[1] 1959.NBS sample. The sample of silver antimonytelluride was obtained from Semitronics Inc., Winchester, Mass. Spectrographic analysis showedthe following major impurities: 0.01 to 0.1 percenteach of aluminum, bismuth, copper, iron, indium,and tin; and 0.001 to 0.01 percent each of gold,calcium, chromium, magnesium, nickel, and titanium.The sample was an opaque metallic g<strong>ray</strong>powder.The d-values of the three strongest lines are:3.042, 2.151, and 1.7554 A.Structural data. Geller and Wernick [1] in1959 determined that silver antimony telluride hasthe sodium chloride structure, the space group6>£-Fm3m (No. 225), and 2(AgSbTe2 ) per unitcell.19591963Lattice constantsGeller and Wernick [1] at 25 °C__National Bureau of <strong>Standard</strong>s at25 °C------ - --- - --------A6.0786.080The density of silver antimony telluride calculated from the NBS lattice constant is 7.163g/cms at 25 °C.hkl111200220311222400331420422511440531600620622444711640642dA3. 5113.0402. 1511. 83321. 75541. 52031. 39461. 35971. 24111. 17031. 07481. 02761. 01330. 9614.9166.8775. 8513.8433.8125Internal <strong>Standard</strong>,Tungsten, a =3. 1648 ACu, 1.5405 A at 25 °CAverage value of last fiv e lines_____._____6. 080Reference7110065

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