Group Education Manual - Peace Corps Wiki

Group Education Manual - Peace Corps Wiki

Group Education Manual - Peace Corps Wiki


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Resource Sheet: Male Involvement Activities• A doctor responds to a client’s concern about VCT by explaining that the results will not be sharedwith anyone else• A nurse helps a young couple decide on the type of family planning method to use• Satisfied VCT clients promote the service to other men in the community• A radio show that encourages men to go for VCT services• A health worker informs a group of young men about the signs and symptoms of STIs• A TV advertisement encouraging men to be faithful• A doctor visits a workplace to provide STI diagnosis and treatment for male employees• A theater group acts out domestic violence situations and discusses them• A program where young men give talks in school about preventing HIV• A radio call-in show that answers men’s questions about reproductive health• A health worker helps a young man assess his risk for HIV infection• A young man discusses STI prevention with his peers at a bar• A large health event is organized on campus to provide information to men about HIV and AIDS• A billboard shows a photograph of a man and woman entering a HIV clinic together• A brochure discusses strategies on how to abstain from sexual contact• Health workers visit churches to discuss reproductive health issues with men• A discordant couple talks with a nurse about their safe sex options• A poster explaining how a man can take care of his reproductive health• Antiretroviral Treatment• A doctor provides a complete physical for a young man• A lab conducts a CD4 count on a male client• A group of men make home visits to support other men living with AIDS• A law ensures that people living with HIV can not de discriminated against.• Schools adopt a new policy on how to address the needs of HIV-positive students• A community garden is established to improve the nutrition of people living with HIV• An HIV-positive man is treated for thrush128

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