From Food Production to Food Security - Global Environmental ...

From Food Production to Food Security - Global Environmental ...

From Food Production to Food Security - Global Environmental ...

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EAKIN, H. 2010. What is Vulnerable? In: INGRAM, J., ERICKSEN, P. & LIVERMAN, D. (eds.)<strong>Food</strong> <strong>Security</strong> and <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Change. London: Earthscan.EASTERLING, W. E., AGRAWAL, P. K., BATIMA, P., BRANDER, K., ERDA, L., HOWDEN, M.,KIRILENKO, A., MORTON, J., SOUSSANA, J.-F., SCHMIDHUBER, J. & TUBIELLO, F.2007. <strong>Food</strong>, Fibre, and Forest Products. In: PARRY, M. L., CANZIANI, O. F.,PALUTIKOF, J. P., VAN DER LINDEN, P. J. & HANSON, C. E. (eds.) Climate Change2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II <strong>to</strong> the FourthAssessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.EDWARDS, J., KLEINSCHMIT, J. & SCHOONOVER, H. 2009. Identifying our Climate“<strong>Food</strong>print”: Assessing and Reducing the <strong>Global</strong> Warming Impacts of <strong>Food</strong> and Agriculturein the U.S.: Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY. 2010. Chilling Facts: Supermarket RefrigerationScandal Uncovered. Available: http://www.eiainternational.org/cgi/news/news.cgi?t=template&a=499.ERICKSEN, P. J. 2008a. Conceptualizing <strong>Food</strong> Systems for <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Change Research.<strong>Global</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Change, 18, 234-245.ERICKSEN, P. J. 2008b. What is the vulnerability of a food system <strong>to</strong> global environmental change?Ecology and Society, 13.ERICKSEN, P. J., INGRAM, J. S. I. & LIVERMAN, D. M. 2009. <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Security</strong> and <strong>Global</strong><strong>Environmental</strong> Change: Emerging Challenges. <strong>Environmental</strong> Science and Policy, 12, 373-377.ERICKSEN, P. J., STEWART, B., DIXON, J., BARLING, D., LORING, P., ANDERSON, M. &INGRAM, J. 2010a. The Value of a <strong>Food</strong> System Approach. In: INGRAM, J., ERICKSEN,P. & LIVERMAN, D. (eds.) <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Security</strong> and <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Change. London:Earthscan.ERICKSEN, P. J., STEWART, B., ERIKSEN, S., TSCHAKERT, P., SABATES-WHEELER, R.,HANSEN, J. & THORNTON, P. 2010b. Adapting <strong>Food</strong> Systems. In: INGRAM, J.,ERICKSEN, P. & LIVERMAN, D. (eds.) <strong>Food</strong> <strong>Security</strong> and <strong>Global</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Change.London: Earthscan.ESF 2009. European <strong>Food</strong> Systems in a Changing World. ESF-COST Forward Look Report.Strasbourg.EU. 2011. <strong>Food</strong> security under threat: global response needed [Online]. Available:http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=IM-PRESS&reference=20110216IPR13780&format=XML&language=EN [Accessed 17February 2011.EVANS, L. T. 1998. Feeding the Ten Billion, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.EWERT, F., ROUNSEVELL, M. D. A., REGINSTER, I., METZGER, M. G. & LEEMANS, R. 2005.Future scenarios of European agricultural land use. I. Estimating changes in crop productivity.Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 107, 101-116.FAO 1996a. Report of the World <strong>Food</strong> Summit. Rome: FAO.FAO 1996b. Rome Declaration and World <strong>Food</strong> Summit Plan of Action. Rome: FAO.FAO 2003. Trade reforms and food security: conceptualizing the linkages. Rome: FAO.FAO 2008a. Climate change and food security: a framework document. Rome: InterdepartmentalWorking Group on Climate Change of the FAO.FAO. 2008b. <strong>Food</strong> Outlook: 'Falling prices in perspective'. Available:www.fao.org/docrep/011/ai474e/ai474e13.htm [Accessed undated].FAO 2009a. The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SACM): High food prices and the foodcrisis - experiences and lessons learned. Rome: FAO.128

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