WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

WRF - Developmental Testbed Center

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fine grid), f (forcing, how the lateral boundaries are processed), and s (smoothing). Aswith other entries, the best coarse of action is to find a field nearly identical to the onethat you are inserting into the Registry file, and copy that line. The user needs to makethe determination whether or not it is reasonable to smooth the field in the area of thecoarse grid, where the fine-grid feeds back to the coarse grid. Variables that are definedover land and water, non-masked, are usually smoothed. The lateral boundary forcing isprimarily for dynamics variables, and is ignored in this overview. For non-masked fields(such as wind, temperature, pressure), the downward interpolation (controlled by d) andthe feedback (controlled by u) use default routines. Variables that are land fields (such assoil temperature TSLB) or water fields (such as sea ice XICE) have special interpolators,as shown in the examples below (again, interleaved for readability):# state real TSLB iljstate real XICE ij misc 1 Zmisc 1 -i02rhd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)i0124rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm) "TSLB" "SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K""SEAICE" "SEA ICE FLAG" ""Note that the d and u entries in the section are followed by an “=” then aparenthesis enclosed subroutine, and a colon separated list of additional variables to passto the routine. It is recommended that users follow the existing pattern: du for nonmaskedvariables, and the above syntax for the existing interpolators for maskedvariables.Registry RconfigThe Registry file is the location where the run-time options to configure the model aredefined. Every variable in the <strong>WRF</strong> namelist is described by an entry in the Registryfile. The default value for each of the namelist variables is as assigned in the Registry.The standard form for the entry for two namelist variables is given (broken across linesand interleaved):# rconfig integer run_daysrconfig integer start_year<strong>WRF</strong>-NMM V3: User’s Guide 6-9

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