MIL-HDBK-502 - Barringer and Associates, Inc.

MIL-HDBK-502 - Barringer and Associates, Inc.

MIL-HDBK-502 - Barringer and Associates, Inc.


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<strong>MIL</strong>-<strong>HDBK</strong>-<strong>502</strong>: ACQUISITIONALOGISTICSQuantifiable <strong>and</strong> testable requirementsThis topic is addressed in more detail in Section 6. An importantresponsibility of the logistician on an IPT is to help the team createsupportability performance requirements that are quantifiable <strong>and</strong> testableso that the decision-makers can gain insight into the operational suitabilityof the product <strong>and</strong> the logistics planners can plan for the support of theitem.Accepting trade-offsThis is an extension of the “Reasoned Disagreement” principle coveredpreviously. Not only must IPT members provide alternative solutions ifthey disagree with a plan of action, but they must also accept the fact thatin any program compromises must be made, <strong>and</strong> their alternative may notbe accepted. This is particularly true in the logistician’s case because theimplications of his or her disagreements often have large <strong>and</strong> far-reachingeffects on the overall program. Often the issue raised by the logistician fallsinto the category of deciding to accept significant upfront costs to avoideven more significant future costs.9.3 SUPPORTABILITY IPTS9.3.1 Who to InviteOf course no st<strong>and</strong>ard recipe exists for who should be on a supportabilityIPT. Membership should be based on the particular needs of the program,the type of IPT (program or working-level), <strong>and</strong> the desires of theleadership. However, some general rules apply. First, the membershipshould be made up of representatives from those organizations orfunctional disciplines that will influence the product throughout its lifetime.A second, closely related approach is to include on the team arepresentative from every organization that can st<strong>and</strong> in the way of theprogram’s advancement. Using this approach keeps the other teammembers from having to play devil’s advocate themselves <strong>and</strong> ensures thatproblems will be reviewed early in the process. The temptation is to do theopposite <strong>and</strong> exclude those people, but in the long run inclusion is better.In general a supportability IPT should be comprised of:• the customer or user• prime contractor <strong>and</strong> key suppliers or vendors• manufacturing• design• support• management9-7

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