Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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Exam. IV, App. G at 33. Consistent with this understanding, Toronto Dominion documentsrepeatedly referred to the prepays as “loans.” See, e.g., TDB-EX(1) 015115, TDB-EX(1) 015117,TDB-EX 000558, TDB-EX 000170-98, TDB-EX 002057 (quoted in Exam. IV, App. G at 23).613. Toronto Dominion also knew the Insiders’ disclosures of the Toronto Dominionprepays were completely at odds with the transactions’ economic substance. First, TorontoDominion knew the prepays were accounted for “as price risk management liabilities, not as debt,”TDB-EX 002319-45 (emphasis in original) (quoted in Exam. IV, App. G at 45), and that theprepays, therefore, “do not affect Enron’s debt covenants since they are not classified as debt,”TDB-EX(1) 019962 (quoted in Exam. IV, App. G at 45). Second, Toronto Dominion knew theInsiders accounted for the cash proceeds from the Toronto Dominion prepays as cash flow fromoperating activities. Toronto Dominion knew the Insiders used the prepays to generate cash flow,and also knew the Insiders reported assets from price risk management – including the Toronto604041v1/007457-210-

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