Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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(a)On or about September 20, 2001, Nicholas Bell sent an e-mail to an Enronemployee, Richard Williams, and John Sullivan regarding administrative details of the transaction.(b)On or about September 24, 2001, John Sullivan sent an e-mail to SarahAbbott, Richard Williams, Tim Ritchie, Eric Chilton, Nicholas Bell, and Dhuane Stephens regardingBarclays Exposure Committee approval of the transaction.(c)On or about September 26, 2001, John Sullivan sent an e-mail to an Enronemployee, Richard Williams, and Nicholas Bell regarding draft transaction documentation.1558. In connection with the Chewco transaction, Barclays knowingly gave substantialassistance to the Insiders:(a)On December 18, 1997, John Meyer of Barclays sent an e-mail to BobClemmens and Henry Pullman of Barclays recommending approval of the Chewco transaction andforwarding an e-mail from George McKean of Barclays regarding the terms of the financing.(b)On December 5, 1997, George McKean of Barclays sent an e-mail to JohnMeyer, Tom Connor, Sal Esposito, and Richard Williams of Barclays, summarizing the terms of theproposed Chewco refinancing.1559. In connection with the SO 2 transaction, Barclays knowingly gave substantialassistance to the Insiders.(a)On or about April 10, 2001, Martin Woodhams sent an e-mail to Brian Smithregarding potential areas of risk relating to a transaction and containing an earlier e-mail from anEnron employee regarding a transaction summary.(b)On or about October 9, 2001, an Enron employee sent an e-mail to MartinWoodhams, with copies to Robert Bruce, Joel Ephross, Michael Robison, and Ying Liu regardingthe timing of payment settlement and structuring of the SO2-related options.604041v1/007457-481-

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