Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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headquarters at 270 Park Avenue, 35th Floor, New York, New York 10017. JPMC includes thesuccessor to Chase Manhattan Bank, as a result of the merger of J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. with andinto Chase Manhattan Corporation on December 31, 2000. JPMC owns and/or controls each of thefollowing entities.30. Defendant Mahonia Limited (“Mahonia”) is a Jersey, Channel Islands SPEestablished at the request of JPMC for the purpose of serving as the pass-through party in the JPMCprepay transactions.31. Defendant Mahonia Natural Gas Limited (“Mahonia NGL”) is a Jersey, ChannelIslands SPE established at the request of JPMC. It is a subsidiary of Mahonia Limited.32. Defendant Stoneville Aegean Limited (“Stoneville”) is a Jersey, Channel Islands SPEestablished at the request of JPMC.33. Defendant JP Morgan Securities Inc. (“JPMSI”) is a Delaware corporation. Itsprincipal place of business is 270 Park Avenue, 35th Floor, New York 10017. It is a subsidiary ofJP Morgan Chase & Co.34. Each of JPMC, Mahonia, Mahonia NGL, Stoneville, and JPMSI acted as the controlperson, successor, agent, co-conspirator, alter ego, and/or co-venture partner of the others as to thematters discussed herein and they are collectively referred to herein as “Chase” or “JP MorganChase.”3. The Barclays Defendants35. Defendant Barclays plc (“Barclays plc”) is a public limited company registered underthe laws of England. Its principal place of business is 54 Lombard Street, London EC3P 3AH,England, United Kingdom. Barclays plc owns and/or controls each of the following entities.604041v1/007457-13-

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