Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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1549. In connection with the Chase IX prepay transaction, JP Morgan Chase knowinglygave substantial assistance to the Insiders.(a)On or about March 12, 1999, Bob Mertensotto sent an e-mail to JeffreyDellapina regarding establishing the Chase IX prepay.(b)On or about June 4, 1999, Patrick O’Brien sent an e-mail to Dermot Drysdale,Joseph Scalfani, David Morris, Dinsa Mehta, Janet Caruso, Maggie Serravalli, Erik Gerken, BruceEllard, Ronald Antonelli, George Brash, Vivian Shelton, Nick Quintana, Anthony Carpentieri,Sharon Foilek, Lorry Ripley, and Aditya Mohan regarding the classification of the prepay as a loanor a derivative.(c)On or about June 7, 1999, Janet Caruso sent an e-mail to Bruce Ellard, DinsaMehta, and Robert Benjamin regarding accounting issues related to the proposed prepay transaction.(d)On or about June 11, 1999, an Enron employee and Richard Walker had atelephone conference regarding the timing and amount of the Chase IX prepay, a report of whichwas sent from Richard Walker to Jeffrey Dellapina, Bob Mertensotto, Robert Traband, ChristopherWardell, Gary Wright, Todd Maclin, and Dod Fraser.(e)On or about June 24, 1999, Richard Walker sent an e-mail to Dinsa Mehta,Jeffrey Dellapina, Bob Mertensotto, and Robert Traband regarding the business purpose of theprepay.(f)On or about June 29, 1999, Chase Commodity Swap Operations sent afacsimile to an Enron employee regarding commodity swap transactions.1550. In connection with the Chase X prepay transaction, JP Morgan Chase knowingly gavesubstantial assistance to the Insiders.(a)On or about June 28, 2000, Mahonia Limited sent a letter to Chase ManhattanBank regarding Enron’s request to enter into Chase X.604041v1/007457-477-

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