Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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1416. Insider Causey did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Teresatransaction was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading during an Executive Committeemeeting on March 25, 1997, at which he made a presentation on Teresa, or during a FinanceCommittee meeting on February 9, 1998, in which the project appeared on a list of 1997transactions.1417. Insider Fastow did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Teresatransaction was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading during an Executive Committeemeeting on March 25, 1997, at which Teresa was discussed, or at a Finance Committee meeting onFebruary 9, 1998, in which the project appeared on a list of 1997 transactions.Tomas1418. The Insiders did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Tomas transaction,which was executed approximately September 15, 1998, was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwisemisleading.1419. The Insiders did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Tomas transactionwas inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading during a meeting of the Executive Committeeon March 2, 1998, during which the project was discussed.1420. Insiders Causey and Maxey did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for theTomas transaction was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading during a meeting of theExecutive Committee on March 2, 1998, during which the project was discussed.1421. In the March 2, 1998 Executive Committee meeting, Insider Causey misrepresentedto Enron that (1) Tomas was a project designed to enhance the financial return of a portfolio ofleased assets, despite the fact that the SPE did not engage in any leasing activities until the Insidersarranged a lease of aircraft in the summer of 2000, and (2) Tomas would generate after-tax earnings,604041v1/007457-448-

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