Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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COUNT 52(Avoidance of the Toronto Dominion 544 Transfers Under Section 544 of the BankruptcyCode and Applicable State Fraudulent Conveyance or Fraudulent Transfer Law)1125. The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 1124 of this Complaint are incorporatedherein by reference.1126. Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 544(b), Plaintiff has the rights of an existingunsecured creditor of Plaintiff. Section 544(b) permits Plaintiff to assert claims and causes of actionthat such a creditor could assert under applicable state law.1127. Enron and/or ENA, directly or through a conduit, made the transfers identified in thefollowing table, or caused them to be made, to or for the benefit of the transferees on or about thedates specified below:TransferorObligorInitialTransfereeorBeneficiarySubsequentTransferee(s)InitialTransferDateTransactionTransferAmountEnron or ENAENA andEnronTorontoDominionBank and/orTorontoDominionTexas3/01/99 December 1998Prepay$251,004,904.14Enron or ENAENA andEnronJPMC/TorontoDominionBank and/orTorontoDominionTexas*TorontoDominionBank and/orTorontoDominionTexas3/01/99 December 1998Prepay$2,025,193.82Enron or ENAENA andEnronTorontoDominionSecuritiesand/orTorontoDominionBank and/orTorontoDominionTexas6/29/99 Truman Prepay(upfront fees)$1,100,000.00604041v1/007457-389-

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