Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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Sutton Bridge1516. The Insiders did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Sutton Bridgetransaction, which closed approximately June 8, 1999, was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwisemisleading.1517. The Insiders did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Sutton Bridgetransaction was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading at Board meetings in and aroundthe time of the transaction (including meetings on May 4 and May 19, 1999), at Finance Committeemeetings in and around the time of the transaction (including a meeting on May 3, 1999 in whichthe transaction was included on a list of 1999 Enron Corporation financings that was provided to theCommittee, and in meetings on August 9, 1999 and October 11, 1999, during which the transactionwas listed on a schedule of Top Ten Investments that was provided to the Committee), and atExecutive Committee meetings in and around the time of the transaction (including meetings onApril 13, 1999, June 7, 1999 and June 11, 1999).1518. Insider Fastow did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Sutton Bridgetransaction was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading at the Finance Committeemeetings on May 3, 1999 and August 9, 1999 (during which the transaction was mentioned in apresentation) and at the Executive Committee meeting on April 13, 1999.1519. Insider Causey did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the Sutton Bridgetransaction was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading at the Finance Committeemeetings on May 3, 1999, August 9, 1999 (during which the transaction was mentioned in apresentation) and October 11, 1999 (during which the transaction was also mentioned in apresentation).604041v1/007457-464-

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