Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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(b) that CSFB, Pyramid I and/or Sphinx Trust immediately pay and turn over, or consent to thepayment and turnover of, all additional proceeds, products and profits of the Nile Asset or its sale,or the value thereof, with interest, to Plaintiff forthwith, as requested in Counts 47A and 47B.H. For an order disallowing any claim of each respective transferee of the transfersidentified in Counts 1 through 72 unless and until such transferee has turned over to Plaintiff theproperty transferred, or paid Plaintiff the value of such property, for which it is liable underBankruptcy Code section 550, and for an order disallowing all Transferred Claims as set forth inCount 73B.I. For subordination of all claims or proofs of claim (except for DIP obligations) whichhave been filed or brought or which may hereafter be filed or brought by, on behalf of, or for thebenefit of any of the Subordination Defendants or any Claim Transferee Defendant or their affiliatedentities, against the Subordination Plaintiff or other Debtors, in the related bankruptcy proceedings,as identified in Counts 73 and 73A, and for an order transferring to the Subordination Plaintiff’sestate any liens securing such subordinated claims.J. For an order (a) avoiding and setting aside each Challenged Transaction Obligationas identified in Counts 65 and 66; (b) avoiding and setting aside each Intentional FraudulentTransfer and each Intentional Fraudulent Conveyance as identified in Counts 69 through 71;(c) directing each transferee of the transfers identified by reference in Counts 69 or 70, or inconnection with the guarantees or obligations alleged in Counts 65 or 66, to return the propertytransferred, or pay the value of such property, to Plaintiff; (d) directing JPMC and Mahonia todisgorge to Plaintiff the amount of any payment from Plaintiff to or for the benefit of JPMC orMahonia in connection with the Chase XII prepay, including any payment made indirectly throughWest LB London; and (e) disallowing any and all claims asserted by any Defendant based on anyChallenged Transaction Obligation or by any subrogee of Mahonia based on the JPMC L/C.604041v1/007457-509-

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