Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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(f)On or about May 31, 2000, Dan Gordon e-mailed Rodney Malcolm regardingthe termination of the Midwest Peaking Trade.1581. In connection with the LJM2 related party entity, Merrill Lynch knowingly gavesubstantial assistance to the Insiders.(a)On September 16, 1999, David Sullivan sent a letter agreement to AndrewFastow under which Merrill Lynch would act as the exclusive financial advisor to LJM2.(b)On December 20, 1999, Joseph S. Valenti sent a subscription agreementpackage to an unknown party regarding investment in LJM2.(c)On December 20, 1999, Michael Kopper sent a letter agreement to JosephValenti regarding investment in LJM2.(d)On April 5, 2000, Joseph S. Valenti sent a subscription agreement packageto an unknown party regarding Merrill Lynch/LJM2 Co-Investment, L.P. investment of $16,645,000in LJM2.CSFB1582. In connection with the December 2000 Prepaid Oil Swap and/or the September 2001Prepaid Oil Swap (collectively, the “Prepaid Oil Swap”) transaction, CSFB knowingly gavesubstantial assistance to the Insiders.(a)On or about July l2, 2000, e-mails were sent between James Moran and anEnron employee regarding the loan-like features of the Prepaid Oil Swap.(b)On or about December 5, 2000, James Moran sent an e-mail to Osmar Abibregarding Enron’s request for a prepay transaction, wherein he conceded that the transaction wasreally a loan.604041v1/007457-494-

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