Footnote 8

Footnote 8

Footnote 8


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time of the transaction (including meetings on October 12-13, 1998, and December 8, 1998), atFinance Committee meetings in and around the time of the transaction (including a meeting onDecember 7, 1998), and at Executive Committee meetings in and around the time of the transaction(including a meeting on December 18, 1998)1490. Insiders Causey and Fastow did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for theDecember 1998 Prepay was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading at the Board meetingon December 8, 1998, the Finance Committee meeting on December 7, 1998, and the ExecutiveCommittee meeting on December 18, 1998.1491. Insider McMahon did not disclose to Enron that the accounting for the December1998 Prepay was inconsistent with GAAP or otherwise misleading at the Board meeting onDecember 8, 1998, and the Finance Committee meeting on December 7, 1998.Truman1492. Not Used.1493. Not Used.1494. Not Used.1495. Not Used.1496. Not Used.Jethro1497. Not Used.1498. Not Used.1499. Not Used.1500. Not Used.1501. Not Used.604041v1/007457-461-

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