2012-13 Government Mid-year Financial Projections Statement

2012-13 Government Mid-year Financial Projections Statement

2012-13 Government Mid-year Financial Projections Statement

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<strong>Financial</strong> StrategyIn contrast, per capita tax revenue in Western Australia is expected to exceed the averageof other States in <strong>2012</strong>-<strong>13</strong>. This mainly reflects the relative strength of the State’seconomic base (and hence its revenue raising capacity), rather than higher average taxrates.In this regard, and based on the latest available data compiled by the CGC,Western Australia’s tax ‘effort’ (i.e. its average tax rate) was 3.4% lower than the nationalaverage in 2010-11.Taken in aggregate, these outcomes are consistent with competitive tax policy settings inWestern Australia.53

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