Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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105Mr.Seilut SingsonThe second tentmaker among the Kukis was my uncleSeilut Singson.He was assistant clerk in the sub-divisionaloffice at Ukhrul.He helped many new converts who werepersecuted by the chiefs <strong>for</strong> becoming <strong>Christian</strong>.Many<strong>Christian</strong>s were driven out of their villages by the chiefs.So there were often court cases on dispute of propertiessuch as la~dsand farms between the chiefs and their <strong>Christian</strong>subjects. Mr. Seilut tried to help the <strong>Christian</strong>s toreceive justice from the government. In most cases amongthe Nagas, the <strong>Christian</strong>s were given a different plot of land<strong>for</strong> a new <strong>Christian</strong> village. As he helped the <strong>Christian</strong>s hefound opportunity to witness to the non-<strong>Christian</strong>s and manyhave received Christ through his tentmaking ministry.Mr.Seilut had been a faithful tentmaker throughout his life.Mr. Seilut was partly responsible <strong>for</strong> the conversion of thechiefs of some of the Naga villages and the chief of ourvillage who was his cousin.Mr.Khaikho Thang SingsonMr. Khaikho Thang Singson was my father. After hisconversion in the missionary school at Ukhrul, he went to ahigher school at Kangpokpi. When he completed his studieshe was appointed assistant teacher by the missionary thereat Kangpokpi.He was transferred to Tongkoi <strong>Christian</strong> villageto be ateacher there and help the recently plantedchurch.When his older brother, the chief of our village,permitted him to come back to the village, he took some of

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