Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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25Kukis? There is only one answer to this. Nungzai (Satan),the arch devil in Kuki legends, so disturbed the lives ofthe people with his host of evil spirits that the knowledgeof Pathen passed into obscurity.The spirits caused muchsuffering, sickness, and death among the people which furtherdiverted their minds from the true knowledge of Pathen.In<strong>order</strong> to ward off these sufferings and death, the Kukispropitiate the evil spirits by offering chickens, dogs,pigs, and buffaloes, as the case demands.The Indoi worship was then ameans <strong>for</strong> the Kukis toappease the spirits whenever they disturbed the harmony andthe tranquility of nature and their environment resulting insickness and mis<strong>for</strong>tune of all kinds. Of course, I do notmean to imply that the Kukis had sufficient knowledge of thetrue God as the people of Israel did. What I want to say issimply this: the Kukis also had a glimpse of the glory andmajesty of God.Pathen was good and merciful, but the Kukisaccepted his goodness as just an ordinary part of life sothat they <strong>for</strong>got to do obeisance to him.Instead theybecame so conscious of the dark side of life, full of misery,that 1 t became more urgent <strong>for</strong> the Kukis to find waysand means to solve these problems.The relationship betweenthe Kukis and Pathen was broken, and they found themselvesin adeepening and more miserable life which only JesusChrist could restore. As Paul said to the Corinthians, theKukis saw as in a glass darkly the image of God, and whenthey accepted the Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy

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