Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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163evangelism and mission work seriously <strong>for</strong> decades.TheGospel Mission Society of the Kuki <strong>Christian</strong> Church hasrenewed their vision <strong>for</strong> the mission work.The Objectives of the Gospel Mission SocietyThe first objective of the Gospel Mission Society isto obey the Lord's command to "go and make disciples of allnations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of theSon and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19, NIV). This commissionhas not been properly applied to the lives of manyKuki <strong>Christian</strong>s.There<strong>for</strong>e, the Gospel Mission Society aimsat making the Great Commission of our Lord relevant to allKuki <strong>Christian</strong>s, thus making them recognize that every Kuki<strong>Christian</strong> is responsible in some way or another to carry theGospel of Christ to every creature.Secondly, the society aims to revitalize the Kuki<strong>Christian</strong> churches <strong>for</strong> doing evangelistic and mission service.The spiritual principle that Christ taught His churchis, "He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who haslost his life <strong>for</strong> My sake shall find it" (Matt. 10:39,NASB).This principle of the <strong>Christian</strong> life is true <strong>for</strong>both our physical and spiritual lives if it is faithfullyapplied.Obeying faithfully the command of the Lord Jesusto proclaim the Gospel brings more abundant life to thechurch and to the individual <strong>Christian</strong>s (John 10:10).The third aim of the Gospel Mission Society is toencourage every local church and congregation to be involvedin missions and evangelism with a view to converting all

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