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Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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175this is the hour from the Lord to present the Good News tothis people. There<strong>for</strong>e, the G. M.S. of the Ku ki <strong>Christian</strong>Church encourages the Kuki <strong>Christian</strong>s to give more supportto this field.Karbi FieldThe Karbis were previously known as the Mikirs.They inhabit the hills between Brahmaputra and Dhansiri inAssam. They speak a Tibeto-Burman language akin to the Nagaand Ku k i, dialects. They practice a shifting cultivation andlive in small temporary settlements.Each village electsits ownhead-man, and the head-men of several settlementsjoin together to <strong>for</strong>m a regional council with judicialpowers.The tribe is divided into patrilineal, exoga mousclans.In the 196 as all clans were given equal legal status,but atradition continues that priests and warriorscome only from certain clans.Tribal gods are worshippedwith animal sacrifices.There are about 100, 000 Mikirs.They are dividedinto two main groups.One group lives in the interior hillsand follows amore traditional way of life with only superficialHindu influence.The other group has settled dow n inthe plains of Assam. They have been more affected by Hinduismand have amore progressive style of life.There are quite afew <strong>Christian</strong>s in this tribe, butoverall the progress of <strong>Christian</strong>ity has been very slow.The Naga Baptist churches from Nagaland and the Mizoram

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