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137the meanings of the songs.When Kuki <strong>Christian</strong>s, such asPalun Singson and Otkhothong Lunkim, composed <strong>Christian</strong>songs to Kuki tunes, the older men and women enthusiasticallyand happily joined the singing.The Kuki <strong>Christian</strong> Church appointed a teacher ofKu ki, culture at the Trulock Theological Se minary 1m phal in1982. The idea is to promote cuLture in the co nt.c x t of the<strong>Christian</strong> faith. At present, Mr. Haokhothong Lunkim is theteacher of Kuki Culture at the seminary.An Attempt to Reach Scriptural Unity withinthe Context of Kuki Life and ThoughtThe Kuki <strong>Christian</strong> Church believes that the Churchof Christ is founded on God, and God has appointed JesusChrist to be the head of the church.exalted HimAlso," God highlyand bestowed upon Him the name which is aboveevery name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under theearth, and that every tongue should confess that JesusChrist is the Lord, to the glory of God the Father tt(Phil.2:9-11, New American Standard).The Kuki <strong>Christian</strong> Church believes that a ccording tothe plan of God in Christ Jesus, all people who believe andaccept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour become part ofa new humanity as they live a new life in Jesus c hrirs t(l Cor. 5:17, New American Standard). God's plan in Christis more fully revealed by Paul when he wrote these verses tothe Ephesians, "I pray that the eyes of <strong>your</strong> heart may be

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