Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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188real and definite stumbling block to total unity of thepeople.The wounds caused by this problem need to be healedby spiritual power. The K.C.C. has been able to help thereconciliation process between the opposing groups <strong>for</strong>better and healthier understandiny of the problem.It isno~, of course, the direct problem of the K.C.C.; it is theproblem of the Kuki people as awhole, which indirectlyaffects the church.Challenges <strong>for</strong> the FutureThe Kuki <strong>Christian</strong> Churr.h is the fruit of God'smighty works among the Kukis.It is a unique history in thesense that the pagan, head-hunter Kukis of the nineteenthcentury have become <strong>Christian</strong>s in such large numbers in thetwentieth century that the whole tribe is now at leastnominally <strong>Christian</strong>.What made them <strong>Christian</strong>s, or why did they become<strong>Christian</strong>s? Dr. T. Lunkim gives three reasons <strong>for</strong> thetribals of Manipur becoming <strong>Christian</strong>s which reasons applyperfectly to the Kuki situation also. They are: 1) peacea~ong the warLing tribes was needed <strong>for</strong> their survival, 2)education was a <strong>for</strong>ce that attracted the people, 3) theydesired freedom from the fear of evil spirits and ~emons.These reasons are no doubt true, but they would be too rationalwithout considering the more important spiritualaspect.The Kukis became <strong>Christian</strong>s because that is whatGod in Christ had destined them to be a t a certain point oftime in their history.And the beginning of the twentieth

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