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Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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31chief died, because he must be followed by some people as hisslaves in Mithikho (village of the dead).But head huntingwas limited among the Kukis.It was practiced only whentribal warfare was officially declared; only then did headhunting become legal on both sides.Chon CeremonyThis ceremony is the highest celebration among theKukis.So far only two Kukis have been able to celebrateChon. They were Chongthu and Thadou. The ceremony isdifficult because the demands are too many and too difficult<strong>for</strong> any man to reach.The other reason is that when Thadoucelebrated his Chon ceremony, his elder brother Doungel waskeeping the Chon rod which was to be used by the priest tokill the Chon Siel (mithun).When the ceremony was about tostart, Doungel was away from home; and the man who went toget the Chon rod was told by the wife of Doungel that Thadous hou ld make his own Chon rod.So Thadou made a bamboo rod<strong>for</strong> the ceremony and the celebration was started.WhenDoungellearned about this he was greatly disappointed;because it was a serious mistake on the part of his wife torefuse the Chon rod.In his anger he destroyed the rod andno one could make a new one, and with that the Chon ceremonycame to a stop. Since then no Kuki has ever celebrated theceremony of Chon.It was really meant <strong>for</strong> kings and greatchiefs only, and it has been along time since the Kukishave had a kingdom and their kings. Even their chiefs£ai 1ed to h o l d them together and the Chon ceremony has no

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