Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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obtain the most favorable terms. A. long discussion will58take place as they sip the rice beer; and the parents of thegirl, assisted by their friends and relatives,would in thebeginning refuse to give the girl in marriage 0 n so mepretext or other with a vie w to getting a good pric e andbetter terms.As far as the price of the bride is concernedit was more or less fixed according to the custom ary la ws ofthe clan or tribe.If the first meeting was in favor of the proposal,a second meeting would be arranged at which they would fixthe price of the bride and agree on adate of the marriage.Most of the articles <strong>for</strong> the price of the bride are alreadyfixed by the customary laws.But the parents and relativesof the girl may demand more or less, if they so desire.the final agreement on the bride price, apig will beAtslaughtered by the parents of the boy at the girl's hom e;and afeast will follow at which they will announce theprice and the date of the marriage.The giving-away-of-the-bride ceremony will be heldat the girl's house on a fixed date. On this day the boy'sfather would bring all his friends who would speak on hisbehalf.But this day is the day <strong>for</strong> the father of the girl.And he will arrange afeast <strong>for</strong> all concerned with thetransaction.The boy's parents would bring the necessarybride price, such as alive mithun which is the leadingbride price. Other items in the bride price include abigred bead, worth <strong>for</strong>ty rupees in those days; a long necklace

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