Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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53BlacksmithThe village blacksmith repairs and sharpens all thetools and implements in the village. He may be paid in cashor kind.Those without cash will work <strong>for</strong> a day or two inthe blacksmith's field <strong>for</strong> the repairs he undertakes ontheir behalf. Sometimes he is given a basket of paddy <strong>for</strong>remuneration.The blacksmith is normally exempted fromofficial coolie labor.The chief in consultation with hiscouncil of elders appoints the official blacksmith of thevillage.Cooperative laborsUnder authority of the chief and the council, theremay be cooperative labor projects under aleader appointedby the chief. All able bodied persons from the age of fifteen,both male and female, are expected to join in cooperativelabor.There are mainly two types of cooperative laborin the village.The Larger Cooperative LaborThis is called "Lawmpi",which means the big cooperativelabor.The size of the cooperative depends on the sizeof the village.If the village consists of more than twohundred, there could be two or three groups of the bigcooperative labor, with eighty to one hundred in agroup.Each group has aleader appointed by the chief and hiscouncil.The leader will organize his own group by appointinghis assistants who will look after the needs of the

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