Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University

Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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196should be constant evaluation of the work and theresults in <strong>order</strong> to have the right perspective onthe field.e. The raising and using of financial resources tosupport missions must be very carefully supervisedso that mission fields can be properly supplied withpeople who are fully committed to the work.Missionary giving campaigns at the localcongregation level should be encouraged. One of theweakest points of the Kuki <strong>Christian</strong> Churches istheir lack of financial support <strong>for</strong> meeting theenormous needs on the mission fields.This areaneeds to be improved with well planned programs suchas introducing church farms and other means ofraising money <strong>for</strong> the mission fields.Many Kuki<strong>Christian</strong>s have contributed very faithfully tomissions, especially considering their low economicstandard and lack of financial resources.However,the existing programs <strong>for</strong> mission fields and otherhome missions need amuch larger financial base.Again, helping finance the teaching ministry of theTrulock Theological Seminary must be one of the toppriorities among the needs of the home mission.Tostrengthen the financial base of the K.C.C., theAssembly has advised the synods to administrate and distributeall the financial re~ources of the local congregations,including tithes and offerings.Two synods, namely, Manipur

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