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Thanks for your order - Lincoln Christian University


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Manipuri dictionary. His first school was a private schoolwhich charged tuition and only the children of governmentservants were able to attend it. At that tim e the onlyupper level primary school was one established by Johnstone,a British government agent. The system of this school wasfound to be defective as there was no proper preparationmade <strong>for</strong> it in the lower classes of the primary schools.There<strong>for</strong>e William Pettigrew started -prIm-arysch~olsat Moirar.'jkhom, Thangmeiban, and Terakeithen. These schoolshave now been upgraded to high schools.These are theoldest schools in the state, with the exception of JohnstoneHigher Secondary School (previously Johnstone upper levelprimary school).As the State authorities saw his enthusiasticwork <strong>for</strong> the advancement of education in the State, hewas appointed honorary Inspector of Schools, in which capacityhe served <strong>for</strong> tw 0years.Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, Pettigrew was not allowed to continuehis work in the plain <strong>for</strong> fear of the reaction of the MeiteiHindus against the administration. When Major Maxwell carneback fro m leave, in spite of his high regard <strong>for</strong> Pettigre wand his work, he was reluctantly <strong>for</strong>ced to ask him to eitherleave Imphal or discontinue his educational work in thearea.However, Pettigrew was given the option to work inthe hills among the wild tribes if he wished to remain inManipur.Pettigrew chose to remain in the State and starteda similar educational work at Ukhrul, the biggest Taugkhul

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