Statistical Report 1935-1936 - Department of Education and Skills

Statistical Report 1935-1936 - Department of Education and Skills

Statistical Report 1935-1936 - Department of Education and Skills


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6015 men ""T1:S""R'00 T1""'O.6lc.6i T1""le""1:>.6Rl",,nn.6-oe le.60R"" m"",te e""W'O-4nc"" ""t:1. CURt"" ""11.bun ""nOlS "":SFURmOR mo n n c ssolt:""C. 'C1. -oers "":S""OS OS n"" meaoon-sgotcec F""Ol l1.t""'R .611.l~l$teolRe""ct: $meMlt:""A 'O~""n""m t""R m""n 1:>iSO nUlse seo .6SUS c.5.ceacc ""C""""11. le""t'ln.6 U$'O""R-1.SAC""t:""S""Rt"" "" CUl'Ol$e""s So mon teis ""n t:e.6S.6SS .6 t1.$.6S SlA'O sen1t""nns. 1s ""11.~lsm ""t:..5.sgort .611.bIt znn .6n01S nac le.6S.6nn .6m .611.tere .6m.6C cun l~l$teo1Re.6Ct:.6 pRioO..5.1'01$e, .6SUS t:~l$e.6nn se sm:so rnon cun suime n'eotes n.6 n'O.6lt:.6i, So h..5.1tRl-o1 sc..5.s n.e 'Ot:e.6nst.6c.n1 ctorscean mOR..5.nse.6R..5.111n.6 l.6ete.6nnt:.6 seo F""01'n Ob.61R cemce..5.111.61:>e1t RO-tRom .6R n.6 'O""lt:.61. '00 R~1R S.6C cos.6ml.6ct:.6 'O'~lRl$:so m.61t teis .6n I.6RR.61"O.6 R111ne.6"Ocupt,e bl1.6"061110 sorn .6R .6n SS~""lS111'00 CUR S.6 Ce.6Rt::. ls 'OOC.6So t'lFull CORR-SSOll ""nn So F01tl nact)~ull SS.6Rt.6 61ce t.eis .6n 'ORoc-nOs, .6C 1S S01t~lR So bpun, Fe.6t'l.6s m01tCAStA.6R n.6 ssott:.6C"" 1 Scolt:C111ne On t:.60t'l sm ne.o t.6o"O c..5.1tl"Oe.6Ct:.6c.5. Fe.6t'l.6S .6S ceacc .611.n.6 mumceorni 0 t'ltl"""O.6111:so btl.6"O.6111. 'O.601lle 'OUtR.6Ct:.6C.6 'Oio$R.61Se.6C.6 Se.6"O .6n mOR-CUl'OmOll. 'Oe T1.6me.6"Oon-mU1llt:e01Rl, .6SUS cibe -oeis .6 t..5.$""S Sl.6'O .611.''''''0~~111'0 'te.6t'lSU S.6t'l.6nn S1.6'Ot~1 So ponnmzn. m.6R .6'OelR 'OU111e-oe n.6C1S'Ri S.6 cunncas .6 sSRiot'l S~ .611.CURS.6i 01'Oe.6C.61S S.6 ceznncan ""t:..5.1n.6 CUR.6m r~1ll, " n1 srtim So DrU1l 'ORe.6m erte 1 n~'R1nn .6t:..5.6S Ob.61RmAR .6t:.o.n.6 mamceornt ""S Ob.61R Ins n.6 me.6"Oon-ssott:.6C.6."-O.n bORM"O .6SUS .6n r..5.S .6 D1 F.601'n n5.6e"Olts nU.61R .6 sSRiot'l.6"O .6nCU.61R1SS .6nUR.61"Oni t:M$.6"O n.o. t.61se .6 t..5.1nlS ORt.6 1 Rlt n"" bll.6"On.6.6C A .6t.6RMC sm .6R r.6'O. CU1Re.6"OCURS.65.6e"Oltse .6Rbun '00 rhe.6"Oonmumceotni1 mi tun, seo cercce. 1 mb.6lte ,It.6 Cl1.6t .6 Rlte.6"O e .6SUSce n..5.Rt'lt~l'OlR t.6R se.6SC.6 'OU1ne ""le1S1llC .6nn t..5.1ll1S1 t'lr.6'O nios rno 'n..5.15111'0 ',.6RR.61C,S1 1St:e.6C. l1i R""'t'l .6R S1Ut'l.6t .6S .6n SCURS.6 .6C rO$R.61"Oeacc.6SUS CORR.6 ccmnce .6SUS te.6S.6n.6C"" 'OutC.6S.6 n.6 ce.6ns.6"O. '00R~lR cos""mt.6ct:.6 t.61tnl$ .6n CURS.6 t.6R cionn t.ers n.6 mUlnt:e01Rl .6 t'l11 Ut.61R .6:SUS t'l.6111e.6'O.6R.6n-C.61RDe .6S. 'C..5.SUIt So mbero CURS.6 .611.snmet, .6R1S 1 mbU.6"On.6 .6SUS 'OelS, b't~l'OlR, .6S bReIS mU1llCe01Rl ceacc.6nn. 'Oe t.61ROe R01llnC m.61t 'Oe n.6 mU1nce01R1 .6SUS -oe n.6 'O.6tt:.61 '00cere AS C.61te.6m cneirnse S.6 S.6mR.6"O111S.6n n5.60"O.6tc.6Ct: c..5.CU1'O-oe n.6me.6"Oon-ssotc.6C.6 .6 t'lrU1t bt.6S .6SUS CR01ce enn .6SUS S.61"Ot'lRe.6S.6Sceacc All. .6n n5.6e"01ts ionnr;c , ls lu$.6 -oe m en n.6 te.6t'l.6R .6t:.o..6R enn5.6e"Olts .6C.6.6SUS IS mo .6 ctoisceen 5.6e"Oltse tU111ne.6m.61t ne.6Rt:mARn.6 5.6o"O.6tt:.6CC.6 .6C.6.'C.o.~lteAm m.61t .611.n.6 t.o.n-CURS.615.6e"OllSe .6SUS '00 R~IR t:OM1"O n.6SSRU'OU1$te C.o.n.6 mU1llt:e01R1 1 n-rut. So m.61t -oon Ob.61R. 'Ce.6Sb.o.111e.6nn4n c.o.lt'lte seo t.eznas zn mero ~.601'n SC~.6'O -oe n.6 'O""tt:.61 .6 CU.61'OFA01S:SRU'OU1 rnerceem, <strong>1936</strong>, A tos n.6 l..5.n-CURS.61.-AiR'O-'Celse,C.o.1UnfbU.6C.61tll82.6%65.8%me.6"Oon-'Celsc.C.61tin1bU.6C.61tU-O.sus seo m.6R -0' ~111.1$t.ei S n.6 'O.6tC.61,lR-o-'Celst::.C.61tin\bU.6C.6ltUme.6"Oon-'CelSc.C.6ltinibUAC.6ltti93.6%'C.o. zn ce.6S.6SS CR~ b.6e"OllS .6S bRelt t.ers 0 t'l11.6"O.61nSo bl1.6"O.61ll,.6SUS t:..5.6n -St U.61se.6CC sin cun 5.60"Ot.6C.61S .611. .6n nst U .61 se.6cc ol-oe.6C.6lSIS rno .6SUS IS t..5.l'ORe'0..5.t'lru1t .611.SlUt'l.6t S.6 rill. r.60l l..5.t.6ln. -O.Sseo n.o.F1S1uln1 -oon '06 1)tl.6"O.61l1,1934-35, .6SUS <strong>1935</strong>-36.1934-35 -SsotC.6C.6 1 H.Q1nn -0.SsotC.6C.6 1 nomn blSsotC.6C.6 1 R0111n b2<strong>1935</strong>-36-0.77SSo1.X.6C.6 1 ROlnn44SsotC.6C.6 1 ROlnn b167SsotC.6C.6 1 ROlnn b2Seo m.6R .6c..5.n.6 hl.611.R.6lt:1s11 SC01R n.6 sSOlt-t'll1.6"On.6 <strong>1936</strong>-371.6RR.61C1S1.6R ROHln -0. . • • • . 891.6RR.61Clsi .6n ROlnn b1 . . . . 451.6RR.61C1si .611.ROlnn b2 6861.•p.6S.98.7%98.5%91.3%66.7%50.5%.6 tOs n.6 t..5.n-CURS.61:-OnOR.6C.686.8%79.5%55.5%59.4%1)1 cornonces .6n-'Ol.6n zrm .6R1S 1 Sc61n DU.61"O-SS'.6t 11.65.6e"OltSe.11.6ssotC.6C.6 .6 b't e .6Rn 1)10'0.611.corn m.6lt .6m.6C SIn n.6C n.61t:>se ~.6SS.61"ObRelte.6m.6nc.6s .6 "O~.6n.6m e.6CORn.6. bnonn.6"O SS'.6t n.6 SC.6ltin1 .6R(:tOC.6n tU$.6l"O, COlttt:em..5.$.6C , .6SUS SS'.6t n.6 mbU.6C.61tti .6n SSOlt n o,mbn..5.t.6n, 'Oun-oe.6lS.6n.m.61'Oln t.ers n.c.h..5."Ot:>.61n en.e nit m6n.6n t.e R..5."OHI.6'OC.6Ot'lt.6n.6n m~1"O.6'Out:>n.c."Os z, 'CU.c.1RlSS.6nun.c.l"O. Rlnlle.6"O .c.tnu .c.n .c.n SCuns.6 Sc.c.lne 1'Ot:OS.6Cn e, Ssolt-t:>tl.c."On.c.seo .6SUS '00 n~ln S.c.C cunnt:.c.S c.c.ltm$e.6nn .6nCUns.6 nu.c."OSo mon t.ers n.c. SSOlt:.c.C.c.. Ctolsre.6n se.c.Mn 6 n.o, cls,ni .c.nU.61Rlt:>n.6C n'O~.c.nt:.c.R'06t.6H1 cun.c.lm 'O'to$R.c.l"Oe.c.cr n.6 nU

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