Advanced Micro Devices - FTP

Advanced Micro Devices - FTP

Advanced Micro Devices - FTP


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CHAPTER 3Display Memory BusDIM qpar(4,115)'here go the qpdm parametersram.vend.count=9'number of ram number setsram.para.count=98'number of parameters to worry aboutDIM ram(ram.vend.count,ram.para.count)DIM ram.vend$(ram.vend.count) 'who built themDIM ram.text$(ram.para.count) 'keep the ram parameter stringsDIM ram.desc$(ram.para.count) 'ram parameter descriptorsCALL TEXTFONT(4)PRINT FRE(l)'we will be using the NEC ram parameter numbers (1 .. 70)clock(2)=50/2 '20mhz clockclock(3)=62/2 '16 MHZ clockclock(4)=83/2 '12 MHz clockst1$="fHH. f" 'one decimal pointst2$="\\ ffffffff.f ffffffff.f fffffffff.f"begin:INPUT "Do you want a file copy of the results (y/n)";a$IF a$ "y" AND a$"Y" THEN GOTO begin1file=lINPUT "Specify Filename";file$OPEN file$ FOR OUTPUT AS f1GOTO getspeedbegin1:IF a$"n" AND a$"N" THEN GOTO begin2file=O 'will not write an output fileGOTO getspeedbegin2:PRINT "You mustr-espond y or n. nGOTO begingetspeed:INPUT "what speed part are you designing with (20,16,12)";a$a=VAL(a$)'make it a numberdevicespeed=a 'save to compare with clock rateIF a20 THEN GOTO not20sp=2 'speed parameterGOTO getclocknot20:IF a16 THEN GOTO not16sp=3 'speed parameterGOTO getclocknot16:IF a 12 THEN GOTO not12sp=4GOTO getclocknot12:PRINT"you need to enter a number:20, 16, or 12.":GOTO getspeedgetclock:INPUT "what clock rate (SYSCLK in MHz) are you designing to";a$a=VAL(a$)IF a

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