international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTIONis not successful it is likely to have the positive effectof reducing the conflict and the issues between theparties.• Only comprehensive book on mediation in HongKong• Outlines the important process of mediation,including the legal aspect• Enables readers to develop highly complexand technical mediation skills, and relatedmethodology, and put these skills immediately intopractice• Includes chapters on specialist mediation, suchas construction disputes and financial productsdisputes• Essential for solicitors and barristers involvedin litigation, in-house counsel, and otherprofessionals including architects, contractors,quantity surveyors, engineers, social workers andhuman resources personnelTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction2. Definition of Conflict & Dispute3. Definition of Mediation & Comparison with other ADRs4. History of Mediation5. Approaches to Mediation6. Resources to Mediation7. Process and Stages of Mediation8. Mediation Skills9. Psychology and Behaviour of Mediation10. Legal Implication of Mediation11. Civil Justice Reform & Practice Direction12. Family Mediationa. Divorceb. Family Property & Estate Disputesc. Family Relationship and Elderly Disputes13. Criminal Offence Related Disputesa. Victim Offender Mediationb. Traffic Disputes14. Application of Mediation to various types of Disputesa. Business Related Disputesb. Consumer/Business Disputesc. Labour & Employment Disputesd. Community Disputese. Land Disputesf. Work Related Personal Injuries Disputesg. School Disputesh. Healthcare Disputesi. Public International Disputes15. Problems with Mediation16. Future Development of Mediation<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Dec 2009 978 962 66137 6 4 HardbackHK$1,890International Commercial Arbitrationand Conciliation in UNCITRAL Model LawJurisdictionsThird EditionDr Peter BinderThe new edition of this acclaimed work examines indepth both UNCITRAL’s Model Law on InternationalCommercial Arbitration and the UNCITRAL ModelLaw on International Commercial Conciliation. Itanalyses each article of the two Model Laws in turn;their substance and how they have been enacted injurisdictions around the world.• Shows practitioners what they can expect in all theworld’s key ADR jurisdictions, considering over sixtynational adoptions of the Model Laws• Provides practical charts detailing which articleshave been adopted in each jurisdiction• Covers the progress of the Model Laws over theyears, detailing amendments to the Laws andrecent country adoptions.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2009 9781847032058 HardbackHK$3,788Also coming in <strong>2012</strong>• Handbook of ICC Arbitration (Webster)• International Commercial Arbitration (Shackelton)• UNITRAL Rules96+852 3762 3222 www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.comPrices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

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