international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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PUBLIC Law<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong>Jul 2010 978 962 66138 4 9 HardbackHK$1,400• Legislation that has come into force since June2007• Academic literature that has been published sinceJune 2007• Developments in Australia, Canada, India, SouthAfrica and New Zealand judicial review since June2007.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2009 9780421691001 PaperbackHK$1,263De Smith’s Judicial ReviewSixth Edition Mainwork & SupplementThe Right Hon Lord Woolf, Professor Jeffrey Jowell, QC, ProfessorAndrew Le Sueur, Catherine M DonnellyThis leading work on the principles and practiceof judicial review deals authoritatively andcomprehensively with all grounds of challenge,including illegality, procedural impropriety andsubstantive review, Convention rights and EuropeanCommunity grounds.Provides guidance on the practice and procedure ofjudicial review, setting out what to do at each stage ofthe process.• Details the different remedies available, such asinjunctions, prerogative orders, and pecuniaryremedies• Explains the relationship between judicial review,ombudsmen, tribunals and other methods ofredress.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2009 9781847034670 HardbackHK$5,939De Smith’s Judicial ReviewSixth Edition, First SupplementThe Right Hon Lord Woolf, Professor Jeffrey Jowell, QC, ProfessorAndrew Le Sueur, Catherine M DonnellyThe First Supplement to the Sixth Edition bringsthe Main Work fully up to date with the latestdevelopments, including:• Cases decided since June 2007Constitutional Law of CanadaFifth EditionPeter Hogg, QCThe edition of Constitutional Law of Canada includesthree new chapters which provide more extensivetreatment to issues that were covered only interstitiallyin the fourth edition. Chapter 26, Citizenship, coversimmigration and citizenship, among other things.Chapter 32, Health, brings together the manyconstitutional issues that have arisen in the field ofhealth care, including the constitutionality of theCanada Health Act and the issues of access by deafpeople (Eldridge), coverage of autism therapy (Auton)and the problem of excessive waiting times in thepublic system (Chaoulli). Chapter 33, Social Security,covers unemployment insurance, old age pensions,workers’ compensation and social assistance, all topicsthat have accumulated interesting constitutionaldecisions.In addition to the new chapters, the new hard copyedition has been completely rewritten to bring thetext and the footnotes up to date, with scarcely apage escaping some alteration, with some chapters(Equality, Fundamental Justice, and Education) alsoundergoing a reorganisation to better reflect thedoctrine recently developed by the Supreme Court.As well, there are seven updated appendices,which include all relevant Canadian constitutionallegislation, as well as the American Bill of Rightsand the International Covenant on Civil and PoliticalRights, a more complete and up-to-date bibliography,and an index that is accurate for the whole of thisedition.CarswellAug 2007 9780779813612 HardbackHK$3,687smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification245

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