international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAWCRIMES AGAINST ART: INTERNATIONAL ART ANDCULTURAL HERITAGE LAWBonnie CzeglediThis book explores the legal, ethical and practicalissues concerning the sharing, mobility and protectionof art and cultural heritage within the scope of<strong>international</strong> art law. This is a field that combines alove of art, obsession, psychology, history, intrigue,criminal behaviour, law, spirituality, religion andthe sacred, anthropology, archaeology, high-stakesmoney and the latest developments in science andtechnology.CarswellMay 2010 9780779823161 PaperbackHK$781PRIVACY LAW IN NEW ZEALANDStephen Penk, Rosemary Tobin, Warren Brookbank, Donna MareeCross, Hon Judge David Harvey, Bill Hodge, Natalya King, KhyleeQuince, Pauline TappPrivacy Law in New Zealand is a comprehensivereference point for practitioners and students. Thisbook provides the reader with a mix of both theoryand practical considerations. Law students, and othersinterested in legal developments, will find the earlychapters (covering the privacy concept and its statusin the law; the interests with which privacy competes;the development of the tort; and the limited andpiecemeal statutory protection of privacy) of relevance.At the same time the later chapters, considering theapplication of privacy law in various contexts, will beuseful to both lawyers and other practitioners.Thomson Reuters AustraliaMar 2010 9780864726872 PaperbackHK$1,097ELECTRONIC EVIDENCE IN CANADAGraham Underwood, Jonathan PennerThe book discusses the nature and characteristicsof electronically-stored information (“ESI”) and howthese influence admissibility at trial.• Covers the retention and destruction of electronicrecords, the obligations to preserve and produceESI for litigation, spoliation, and the admissibilityof ESI at trial• Contains a broad examination of ESI from itscreation to its admission into evidence in civil andcriminal proceedingsCarswellJan 2010 978 0 7798 2263 8 3-ring BinderHK$1,100trade marks in europe:A practical jurisprudenceSecond EditionProfessor Spyros M Maniatis, Dimitris BotisThe second edition of Trade Marks in Europe looks atthe issues from a unique angle: the jurisprudence ofthe European Court of Justice. It provides a practicaland critical overview of the state of trade mark law inEurope.• Examines recent key ECJ judgments, noting inparticular areas of controversy including theirdistinctiveness, functionality and dilution• Looks at the cross-over between trade marklaw and other practice areas, including unfaircompetition and <strong>international</strong> trade• Provides authoritative case commentary.<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2009 9781847039040 HardbackHK$3,118THE LAW OF DOMAIN NAMES & TRADE-MARKS ONTHE INTERNETSheldon BurshteinThis book examines the interrelationship betweenInternet domain names and trade-mark, with aparticular focus on Canada including:• Reviews the Canadian law of trade-mark in thecontext of domain name disputes, the acquisitionand infringement of trade-mark• Considers this law in the Internet, substantiveissues involved in enforcement of trade-mark,jurisdictional and procedural issues, as well as theremedies available.• Discusses <strong>international</strong> legislative developments222+852 3762 3222 www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.comPrices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

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