international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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COMMERCIAL LAWof Goods Convention, import/export laws, and severalother areas. It also provides sample agreements andchecklists, including both model agreements andsamples actually used in specific transactions. ACD-ROM containing the text of all of the samples isincluded.• Provides discussion on major issues involved in<strong>international</strong> transactions• CD-ROM contains dozens of sample agreementsand checklists including both model agreementsand those used in specific transactionsWestJul 2011 9781567890495 Book with CD-ROMHK$3,070Financing the Corporation2011 EditionRichard A. BoothNEWOrganised chronologically according to how questionsarise in practice, this text describes strategies andprocedures for setting up a corporation’s capitalstructure. Other sections deal with public sale ofsecurities and distributions to stockholders.• Explains various state and model act rules, as wellas procedures for authorising and issuing stock anddrafting subscription agreements• Fully explains registration requirements andexemptions, tax and accounting considerations,and negotiation provisions for various classes ofstock• Explains reasons for using certain forms ofsecurities, including registration requirements andexemptions under various securities laws• Helps you make practical decisions easily withoutwasting time and effort on extensive researchWestJul 2011 9780314929679 PaperbackHK$3,290Law of Modern Commercial Practices2011 EditionPatricia F. Fonseca, John R. Fonseca• Contains official code text and provides detailedanalysis of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)Articles 1 through 9NEW• Covers the governing law and principles andincludes expert commentary on commercial lawpractices• Encompasses historical development of moderncommercial practices, consumer productwarranties, and the Magnuson-Moss FederalWarranty Act attached to the law of sales,warranties, barter, merchant law, commercialpaper, bank deposits and collections, lettersof credit, bulk sales and transfers, warehousereceipts, bills of lading and other documents,investment securities, secured transactions, salesof accounts, and chattel paper• Includes analysis and discussion of terms andtechniques involved in commercial law practice.• Contains complete official UCC code text to saveresearch time• Covers all aspects of sales law to reduce researchtime• Easy-to-use reference tool• Examines recent trends, developments, terms andtechniques in commercial law and practice to keepyou current• Provides expert section-by-section analysis andcommentary• Provides quick answers to everyday questionsconcerning the law of salesWestJul 2011 13974144 PaperbackHK$4,140Best Practices for Mergers and Acquisitionsin China: Leading Lawyers on Identifying InvestmentOpportunities, Navigating Compliance Requirements,and Advising Clients on Transactions (Inside theMinds)2011 EditionMultiple AuthorsNEWThis Aspatore <strong>international</strong> legal title provides keystrategies for representing and advising multinationalclients involved in M&A deals in China. Partnersfrom some of China’s leading law firms guide thereader through the negotiation process in Chinawhen handling mergers and acquisitions forclients. These top lawyers reveal their advice on136+852 3762 3222 www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.comPrices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification

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