international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell

international catalogUe 2012 - Sweet & Maxwell


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LAND LawMegarry & Wade: The Law of Real PropertyEighth EditionDr Charles Harpum, Stuart Bridge, Dr Martin Dixon NEWBoundaries and EasementsFifth EditionColin SaraNEWMegarry & Wade: The Law of Real Property providescomprehensive and authoritative coverage of allaspects of the contemporary law of real property.Now in its eighth edition, it covers the whole of theEnglish law of real property, together with relatedsubjects such as conveyancing, leases and wills andintestacy, in a single volume, providing a vital tool forall property and conveyancing solicitors and barristers.• Provides comprehensive and authoritativecoverage of all aspects of the contemporary law ofreal property• Covers the whole of the English law of realproperty, together with related subjects such asconveyancing, leases and wills and intestacy, insingle volume, providing a vital tool for all propertyand conveyancing solicitors and barristers• Places the development of land law in a historicalcontext and sets out clearly the legal frameworkfor real property, enabling practitioners to put thecurrent law in context• Incorporates the raft of recent legislation and caselaw that has transformed property law in Englandand Wales• Provides a comprehensive examination of therights and liabilities of landowners, setting outthe legal requirements, explaining the technicalissues and providing authoritative interpretationof statutes and measured analysis of relevantdecisions• Deals with the complex issues that can arise inrelation to priorities between competing interests,highlighting potential issues and the means toresolve them• Includes extensive case referencing, showing howthe law can be applied in practice<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKDec 2011 9780414045965 HardbackHK$2,885Providing everything required to conduct an actioninvolving a boundary dispute or easement claim,Boundaries and Easements:• Includes all you need to know about the relatedtopics of boundaries and easements, so thatyou can advise on rights and obligations, draftdocuments, and resolve problems that may occur• Covers the creation of express grant, implied grant,statute and prescription easements, so you fullyunderstand all the technical details of easements• Provides detailed guidance on case preparationand procedural steps to ensure you are taking thecorrect approach• Offers remedies for the most likely scenarios, andsuggests solutions for more uncommon situationsso that you are prepared for any eventuality<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKNov 2011 9780414048065 HardbackHK$2,885Break ClausesMark Warwick, Nicholas Trompeter• Explains, step by step, the law and procedurerelating to break clauses in commercial leasesNEW• Contains guidance on break clauses in residentialtenancies• Aids a practitioner’s drafting of break clauses andbreak notices through the inclusion of precedentsand by explaining the consequences and pitfalls ofcertain approaches• Provides comparisons between break clauses andother methods of terminating leases• Gives guidance as to how to interpret break clausesand break notices<strong>Sweet</strong> & <strong>Maxwell</strong> UKNov 2011 9780414048157 PaperbackHK$1,482smhk.salesenquiries@thomsonreuters.com www.sweetandmaxwell.com.hk +852 3762 3222Prices are correct at time of going to press, but may be subject to change without prior notification227

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